[Filmfestivalresearch] NECS Graduate Workshop "Festival Cultures" 14/15.2. & Berlinale Get-together 17.2. 18-20h

Skadi Loist s.loist at filmuniversitaet.de
Tue Jan 31 18:00:26 CET 2023

Dear Festivalistas:


I have two event announcements in Potsdam / Berlin for mid-February:




Here is a reminder that in two weeks we’ll be hosting the 20Th NECS Graduate Workshop on the topic of “Festival Cultures: New Ways to Study Networks, Circulation & Canon Production” as a physical event (no online participation) at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF on 14 & 15 February 2023.  


Within the workshop early career researchers discuss their projects in small panels each paired with a senior festival researcher.  

Confirmed senior festival studies scholars in attendance: Marijke de Valck (Utrecht University), María Paz Peirano (Universidad de Chile), Aida Vallejo (University of the Basque Country), and Senem Duruel Erkılıç (Mersin University).


Keynote by Aida Vallejo (University of the Basque Country):  “Documentary Film Ecosystems. Mapping Festivals, Institutes and Networks“


More details & program here: https://necs.org/conferences#/node/123881 


People are welcome to join the Graduate Workshop taking place in Potsdam, Germany from February 14-15, 2023 as an active audience member and participate in the discussions with us. There is no conference fee, however, an active NECS membership is required.


If you would like to participate in the workshop, please register until the 12th of February with Lucy Pizaña: lucy.pizana at filmuniversitaet.de Places are limited and we will proceed with a first come first served policy.





Returning to a pre-Covid festival tradition, I would like to invite all festival scholars and FFRN list members who will be attending the Berlinale this years, to come together for a chat and drinks at the (Bavarian Style) restaurant/bar at the Potsdamer Platz (Sony Center) in Berlin, right near the festival center.  


On Friday, 17 February 18-20h.  “Lindenbräu am Potsdamer Platz“ Bellevuestraße 3-5, 10785 Berlin  


Feel free to get in touch with me before-hand or just show up on the day!  


I’m very much looking forward to seeing many familiar faces in Potsdam and Berlin!









~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ⛵ ~ ~


Prof. Dr. Skadi Loist  (*/none/they/she)

Juniorprofessor*in Produktionskulturen in audiovisuellen Medienindustrien

Assistant Professor Production Cultures in Audiovisual Media Industries


Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11

14482 Potsdam



office: +49.331.6202.212 | mobile: +49.176.6204.0039

s.loist at filmuniversitaet.de | skadiloist:de


Founder / Board member: filmfestivalresearch:org | filmcirculation:net | eufa:org | necsus-ejms:org


Recent publications: 

- Loist, Skadi. 2023. “Stopping the Flow: Film Circulation in the Festival Ecosystem at a Moment of Disruption.” In Rethinking Film Festivals in the Pandemic Era and After, edited by Marijke de Valck and Antoine Damiens, 17–40. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-14171-3_2

- Loist, Skadi. 2022. „Filmfestivals und Identität: Oder: Was haben queere und jüdische Filmfestivals miteinander zu tun?“. In Jüdischer Film: Ein neues Forschungsfeld im deutschsprachigen Raum, hrsg. von Lea Wohl von Haselberg und Lucy A. Pizaña Pérez, 291–305. München: edition text + kritik.

- Ehrich, Martha E., Katharina Burgdorf, Zhenya Samoilova, and Skadi Loist. 2022. “The Film Festival Sector and Its Networked Structures of Gender Inequality.” Applied Network Science 7 (1): 1–38. DOI: 10.1007/s41109-022-00457-z

- Arbeitskreis Umfrage des FAM. 2022. „'Wie weiß ist die deutschsprachige Medienwissenschaft?'“ Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 14 (1): 192–98. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/18122


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