[Filmfestivalresearch] Film Festival Research Network Seminar: NECS in progress - Friday 2 June

Juliana Muylaert jumuylaert at gmail.com
Fri May 26 14:51:00 CEST 2023

Dear all,

I hope this message finds you well. Rachel, Estrella and I are pleased to
confirm the next *Film Festival Research Network Seminar: NECS in progress*

We invite you all to join us on *Friday 2 June*, *02-3:30pm (BST) *

- *3-4:30pm (CET)* / *10-11:30am (BRT)*.

Here you can find the zoom link:


Meeting ID: 819 2486 6123
There is no password.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

All the best,

Juliana Muylaert, jumuylaert at gmail.com

Rachel Johnson, R.Johnson at leeds.ac.uk
Estrella Sendra, estrella.sendra at kcl.ac.uk

*Juliana Muylaert Mager *
Postdoctoral Fellow FAPERJ PDR-10 - Postgraduate Program in History
Associate Researcher - Oral History and Image Laboratory
Federal Fluminense University
Research Group Film Festivals: Histories, Politics/Policies and Practices
(CNPq/ Brazil)
CV: http://la <http://lattes.cnpq.br/5068311846825078>t

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