<m2m-eng> m2m in slootervaart

Alexander Krone sri3000 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 5 18:47:30 CET 2008

I haven't met all of you yet, so i'll introduce myself:
my name is alexander, i study art in amsterdam and i live in the ruysdaels straat squat where m2m has meetings.
I would like to make a cooperative event with the radio in slootervart, where i have my atelier since some years.
the neighborhood has a lot of people from other countries, especially turkey and morocco. I think that it would be really great if the radio would come to slootervart for a night to make a radio show there.
My plan is to combine with screening an artist movie about immigration on lampedusa in italy, and to invite people from the neighborhood to come and participate. also I want to invte the artists, and we could have a talk about topics like how states  treat migrants and about how it is used for politics etc..
I would like to talk with you about it, and I hope you will be having a meeting in ruysdaels straat tomorrow.
I have been meaning to go to the blue house but I am very busy with my school and havent had time recently, but ill see you there eventually.



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