<m2m-eng> Cleaners in action

Jo van der Spek M2M jo at xs4all.nl
Tue Mar 16 13:09:37 CET 2010

Thousands of cleaners working at Schiphol Airport, railway stations, 
hospitals and offices are on strike for better wages and respectable working 
conditions. The majority of cleaners are migrants. Cleaners are receiving 
minimal wages and are object of intimidation by the bosses. Companies like 
CSU, ASITO and HAGO are competing for contract with the railroads the 
airport and banks by exploiting their workforce.

The picket against striking breakers at Amsterdam Central Station

That is why the cleaners are not only striking but also targetting the 
contracting companies: they should be more to the cleaning companies, to 
stop the degrading wages and working conditions.

One tactic is to target undocumented workers. Some have been forces to work 
and were arrested by the Labour Inspection. Cleaning Company CSU has 
demanded all cleaners to present their papers.This is an act of intimidation 
and an attempt to create division among the cleaners. In response a goup of 
anarchist activists blocked the CSU office in Amsterdam urging workers to 
boycot the demand to show their papers.

more news in Dutch

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