<MoneyLab> Non-Fungible Comic

F vandenboom f.vandenboom at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 10 19:38:28 CEST 2022

The worlds first this and that, instead why not promote your work when its the best contribution to the welfare of the planet (s). Now that would make me want to read it not because of a claim on being the first. How do people actually know they are the first !? Is there a database you check ? How can you be sure someone in South Korea has not actually done this already !? Or do you mean a western world first ?

Nothing personal

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From: Moneylab <moneylab-bounces at listcultures.org> on behalf of Geert Lovink <geert at xs4all.nl>
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 10:07:23 PM
To: moneylab at listcultures.org <moneylab at listcultures.org>
Subject: <MoneyLab> Non-Fungible Comic


Non-Fungible Comic: the world’s first comic about Non-Fungible Tokens aka NFTs – a work of art and an invitation to join the debate about the sense and nonsense of NFTs.

Download, read and share our comic – for free and under open license – coinciding with its release as a tangible exhibition at the Berlin digital conference re:publica22<https://re-publica.com/de>.

> CLICK HERE to download “Non-Fungible Comic” as PDF (71MB)<http://nonfungiblecomic.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Non-Fungible-Comic_Pdf.pdf>

Who are we? Artist Noëlle Kröger<https://www.noellekroeger.com/> and comic essayist Julia Schneider aka docjsnyder<https://docjsnyder.net/>. With the precious help of Eric Eitel<http://ericeitel.com> for public relations and Jennifer Bergmann for English editing.

> Contact us hello at nonfungiblecomic.org<mailto:hello at nonfungiblecomic.org>

The print copy can be ordered in bookshops and online <https://tredition.com/> from 22.7.22.

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