<MoneyLab> CAPITALISMSXIT 30.11.2023-3.02.2024 — LA COMPAGNIE, MARSEILLE

Geert Lovink geert at xs4all.nl
Sat Nov 25 16:46:39 CET 2023

> From: rybn <info at rybn.org>
> Subject: CAPITALISMSXIT 30.11.2023-3.02.2024 — LA COMPAGNIE, MARSEILLE
> Date: 25 November 2023 at 1:06:36 pm GMT+1
> To: destinataires inconnus: ;
> ENTANGLEMENT ZONE #4, 30.11.2023-3.02.2024
> https://www.la-compagnie.org/
> CAPITALISMSXIT is an artistic research project that aims to build a memory of the different narratives of the end of capitalism.
> https:/www.rybn.org/capitalismsxit/
> Opening on November 30th 2023, 6pm
> +
> Opening weekend:
> * Thursday November 30
> 6pm: Opening
> Sound intervention by Jean-François Blanquet
> 7:30pm: Talk/Dinner with Gwénaëlle Plédran: tasting of fermented vegetables from Belsunce
> 8:30pm: Reading of "Ideas to Postpone the End of the World" by Ailton Krenak, by Natura Ruiz
> * Friday December 1st
> 7:30pm: Talk/Dinner with Gwénaëlle Plédran: tasting of fermented vegetables from Belsunce
> 8:30pm: Performative film by Paul-Emmanuel Odin: The Retro-temporal virus. With the participation of Gaelle Krikorian
> * Saturday, December 2
> 6pm: UV Éditions booklaunch : "Dictionnaire des opérations - Intelligence culturelle et politiques profondes" presentation by Konrad Becker, in discussion with Ewen Chardronnet. Readings of excerpts ping pong style by Magali Daniaux and Cédric Pigot.
> 7:30pm: Talk/Dinner with Gwénaëlle Plédran: tasting of fermented vegetables from Belsunce.
> 8:30pm: Performance by Marie Constant and RYBN.ORG
> https://www.la-compagnie.org/portfolio/30-11-01-12-02-12-2023-week-end-douverture-rybn-org-capitalismsxit/
> @
> la compagnie
> 19 rue Francis de Pressensé
> 13001 Marseille, Belsunce

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