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<h1 class="uk-text-center">String Figures </h1>
<h4 class="uk-h4"> Ailie Rutherford </h4>
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<div class="uk-margin uk-panel">Workshop</div><div class="uk-margin uk-panel"> - 24 October 2021 - </div><div class="uk-margin uk-panel">12:00-14:00</div><div class="uk-margin uk-panel"><br class=""></div><div class="uk-margin uk-panel">Register at <a href="https://www.whitepapersondissent.xyz/workshop/string-figures" class="">https://www.whitepapersondissent.xyz/workshop/string-figures</a></div><div class="uk-margin uk-panel"><br class=""></div>
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<h2 class="uk-margin-medium"> String Figures is a workshop dedicated to expose the interdependencies that constitute a community economy. </h2><hr class="uk-text-center uk-margin-medium uk-divider-small"><div class="uk-margin uk-panel"><p class="">String
Figures takes its title from techno-feminist Donna Haraway’s metaphor
for the inextricable threads that connect us all. Since Covid-19 has
radically changed our working practices, Aillie Rutherford has been
working with designer Bettina Nissen and creative technologist Bob
Moyler to co-design new collaborative software for collective working
centred on a principle of mutual care and co-operation. String Figures
is an adaptation from a print-block mapping toolkit she designed for The
People's Bank of Govanhill, a long term collaborative project exploring
ways of putting feminist economics into practice at a local level. On
this workshop, String Figures focuses on mapping how local and
trans-local collectives to collaborate in a non-profit online space,
building de-centralised support networks through encrypted visual
diagrams.</p><p class="">String Figures intends to reveal the interdepencies that constitute
an economy and, in this way, continues the research of White Papers on
Dissent, exploring value on a non-capitalocentric manner. This workshop
unveils the multiple connections between all the components of an
economy, usually these features are hidden as they are not conmensurable
in a neoliberal society. We are talking about conflict resolution,
care, social innovation, which are fundamental pieces in the making of a
community, but usually go unseen by the greater economic narratives.
Through this workshop, the participants will collectively explore their
own interdependencies, and the role they have in their own ecosystems.
By these means, Ailie Rutherford guides a collective investigation about
what is valuable and how it is represented. Moving away trackable,
traceable, and data-mineable experiences for online devices, this is a
careful encounter of multiple subjectivities to collectively imagine the
feminist tools of the new web, a digital commons where we can pool our
collective resources to build the systems we need to support each other.</p></div>
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<h5 class=""> Registration </h5><div class="uk-margin uk-panel"><p class="">If you want to participate, please write a short motivation (max.300 words) by applying on our <a href="https://www.whitepapersondissent.xyz/booking" class="">registration page</a>.</p><p class="">In the motivation, please introduce yourself and why you are
interested in playing the game. In the case we receive more motivation
than the available spots (10 people), we will make a selection of
diverse backgrounds of players for an optimized experience of the game.</p></div>
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<h5 class=""> Biography </h5><div class="uk-margin uk-panel"><p class=""><strong class="">Ailie Rutherford</strong>
is a visual artist working at the intersection of community activism
and creative practice. Her collaborative artworks bring people together
in conversations about our social and economic landscape using print,
performance, sci-fi visioning, games and technology as playful means to
work through difficult questions and radically re-think our shared
futures. Resulting works range from proposed new models for living and
working together to the building of new infrastructure.</p><p class="">Recent projects include:</p><p class="">The People’s Bank of Govanhill a long term social art project in
Govanhill (Glasgow) realising feminist economic theory in a community
context.</p><p class="">String Figures collaborative software for collective working centred
on a principle of mutual care and co-operation, titled after
techno-feminist Donna Haraway’s metaphor for the inextricable threads
that connect us all.</p><p class="">Her feminist economic artworks have been shown at Unbox festival,
(Bengaluru, India) MoneyLab at Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam,
Netherlands), Supermarkt (Berlin, Germany) and for Tracing The
Tracks//Work Affair at Rum 46 (Aarhus, Denmark).</p><p class="">Ailie is currently working as curator for NEoN digital arts Wired Women festival.</p><p class=""><a href="http://www.ailierutherford.com" class="">ailierutherford.com</a></p></div>