<unlike-us> conflicts and inequality on social media

Daniël Verhoeven danielverhoeven at deds.nl
Fri Apr 19 21:29:57 CEST 2019

Dear frieds,

I've followed this list during years, resulting in several articles and 
essays. I was a systems administrator of KnoopPunt 
<http://danielverhoeven.deds.nl/KnoopPunt/index.html>, Belgian node of 
the Association for Progressive Communication from 1991 until 2000. 
Getting older  (born in 1948) I thought it was time to close my research 
on conflicts and inequality on social media( since 2006). I'm working on 
an ebook about it. You can find the first part of the proposal and the 
proceedings at <https://wp.me/p5cEUd-2w>. Please do not overburden this 
list with comments, unless you find it is the only way to do. You can 
write via personal mail, via the blog and via Mastodon: 
@daniv at octodon.social. As you will see the proposal needs additions. Any 
help is welcome.

Kind regards,

Daniël Verhoeven



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