<videovortex> The King, the Army and YouTube - Lecture at documenta 12

Vera Tollmann vera.tollmann at gmx.net
Mon Aug 13 23:08:14 CEST 2007

download lunch lecture 58: introduction in German
download lunch lecture 59: panel in English

Lunch Lecture - The King, the Army and YouTube - Thai Forum
13:00 - 14:00

documenta 12 magazines
The dramatic changes in Thailand over the last year have stunned Asia and the rest of the world: the King, the army, the dictatorship, economic corruption, and the religious conflict. Thai politics are beginning to look like a showcase of Asian political problems. While little of this complexity is known in Europe, citizens in Thailand have been working tirelessly to strengthen their rights and powers. Various forms of media have become a battlefield between the old power forces and the new citizens’ movements – from community radio to YouTube.

Four representatives of the most important independent media in Thailand will talk about the current context of Thai politics and media, and a forecast of the future.

With Thanapol Eawsakul (Fah Diew Kan/Thai Bookazine, Bangkok), Chuwat Rerksirisuk (Prachatai/Thai Bookazine, Bangkok), Somkiat Tangnamo (Midnight University/Thai Bookazine, Chiang Mai), Pinyo Trisuriyatamma (Open/Thai Bookazine, Bangkok) 
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