<videovortex> Fwd: Facebook 24 hours summary; new arrestings, apologizes...

Geert Lovink geert at xs4all.nl
Thu Dec 4 21:08:59 CET 2008

> Resent-From: nettime at kein.org
> From: Ana Peraica <ana.peraica at st.htnet.hr>
> Date: 4 December 2008 1:03:33 AM
> Resent-To: Nettime <nettime-l at kein.org>
> To: nettime-l at kein.org
> Subject: <nettime> Facebook 24 hours summary; new arrestings,  
> apologizes...
> Hi everyone again,
> here is the summary of events regrading Facebook groups in Croatia;  
> new
> arresting, apologizes, international media pressure....
> A chronology of events after arresting of Niksa Klecak.
> Two more Facebook "activists," as they call them, were arrested for
> putting posters on initiative of one group "Stegnite vi svoj remen  
> bando
> lopovska."
> Posters were announcing demonstrations in all major Croatian cities  
> for
> 5th December.
> http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/privedeni-facebookeri-ne-prihvacaju-faberovu-ispriku-policija-je-izazvala-strah-i-nepovjerenje/412171.aspx
> Bijesprvi, an author of Youtube movies, has made a movie
> http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/video-sanaderhitler-luduje-zbog-facebookera/412130.aspxwhich
> but it was latter on censored in largest daily newspapers
> http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/jutarnji-list-cenzurirao-bijesaprvog/412166.aspx
> A new Facebook grows with topic "Break into my apartment you band of
> Gestapo!"
> New web page appears - Arrest us! www.sanaderu-uhapsi-nas.com
> where it is stated - This is the page of the victims of "democration"
> You can put down the TV but not this web-page"
> International media reports on Facebook democracy.
> Prime minister asks two ministers to report what was the problem as
> international media is reporting on arresting of Facebookers.
> Two ministers (of police and internal secret affairs) apologize to
> Facebookers
> http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/video-sanaderhitler-luduje-zbog-facebookera/412130.aspx
> Facebookers do not accept the apologize
> http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/privedeni-facebookeri-ne-prihvacaju-faberovu-ispriku-policija-je-izazvala-strah-i-nepovjerenje/412171.aspx
> Prime minister, pushed by all reporting on Facebookers claims they  
> have
> right on the freedom of speech.
> But...
> The group organizing in Zagreb didn't yet get the permission for
> demonstrations, as can be read from their page.
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