<videovortex> Oh no you didn't: Warner hits Lessig vid with DMCA takedown

Seth Keen sethkeen at internode.on.net
Tue May 5 09:37:53 CEST 2009

Oh no you didn't: Warner hits Lessig vid with DMCA takedown, April 29,  


Lawrence Lessig, the well-known legal scholar and copyright reform  
advocate who founded Creative Commons, was surprised to discover that  
Warner Music issued a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown  
notice against one of his presentations on YouTube.


The growing volume of infringing content on YouTube has made it a  
major target for DMCA takedown notices. Unfortunately, the content  
producers that are flooding the site with takedowns are rarely taking  
adequate steps to ensure the validity of their claims and are  
indiscriminately targeting videos that fall within the boundaries of  
fair use.

seth.keen at rmit.edu.au
 >> sethkeen.net/blog/

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