<videovortex> Fwd: Announcement of new book MASHUP CULTURES, Springer Wien – New York

Evelin Stermitz es at mur.at
Mon Apr 26 14:22:01 CEST 2010

----- Forwarded message from Stefan.Sonvilla-Weiss at taik.fi -----
     Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:54:13 +0300
     From: Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss <Stefan.Sonvilla-Weiss at taik.fi>
Reply-To: Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss <Stefan.Sonvilla-Weiss at taik.fi>
  Subject: Announcement of new book MASHUP CULTURES, Springer Wien – New York

Sonvilla-Weiss, Stefan (Ed.)
1st Edition., 2010, 256 p. 41 illus., Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-7091-0095-0

This volume brings together cutting-edge thinkers and scholars (Henry
Jenkins, Mizuku Ito, David Gauntlett) together with young researchers
and students, proposing a colourful spectrum of media-theoretical,
-practical and -educational approaches to current creative practices and
techniques of production and consumption on and off the web. Along with
the exploration of some of the emerging social media concepts, the book
unveils some of the key drivers leading to participatory engagement of
the User.

Mashup Cultures presents a broader view of the effects and consequences
of current remix practices and the recombination of existing digital
cultural content. The complexity of this book, which appears on the
occasion of the fifth anniversary of the international MA study program
ePedagogy Design – Visual Knowledge Building, also by necessity seeks to
familiarize the reader with a profound glossary and vocabulary of Web
2.0 cultural techniques.

Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss: Introduction: Mashups, Remix Practices and the
Recombination of Existing Digital Content;
Axel Bruns: Distributed Creativity: Filesharing and Produsage;
Brenda Castro: The Virtual Art Garden: A Case Study of User-centered
Design for Improving Interaction in Distant Learning Communities of Art
Doris Gassert: "You met me at a very strange time in my life." Fight
Club and the Moving Image on the Verge of 'Going Digital';
David Gauntlett: Creativity, Participation and Connectedness: An
Interview with David Gauntlett;
Mizuko Ito: Mobilizing the Imagination in Everyday Play: The Case of
Japanese Media Mixes;
Henry Jenkins: Multiculturalism, Appropriation, and the New Media
Literacies: Remixing Moby Dick;
Owen Kelly: Sexton Blake & the Virtual Culture of Rosario: A Biji;
Torsten Meyer: On the Database Principle: Knowledge and Delusion;
Eduardo Navas: Regressive and Reflexive Mashups in Sampling Culture;
Christina Schwalbe: Change of Media, Change of Scholarship, Change of
University: Transition from the Graphosphere to a Digital Mediosphere;
Noora Sopula & Joni Leimu: A Classroom 2.0 Experiment;
Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss: Communication Techniques, Practices and
Strategies of Generation "Web n+1";
Wey-Han Tan: Playing (with) Educational Games - Integrated Game Design
and Second Order Gaming;
Tere Vadén interviewed by Juha Varto: Tepidity of the Majority and
Participatory Creativity;
About the Authors

Professor Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss, PhD
Head of MA ePedagogy Design-Visual Knowledge Building
Aalto University / School of Art and Design
PL 31000 (Hämeentie 135 C, 00560 Helsinki)
00076 Aalto
stefan.sonvilla-weiss at taik.fi
MY NEW BOOKS 2009-10:
Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss (ed.)
Mashup Cultures
Springer Wien/New York
Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss
(IN)VISIBLE. Learning to Act in the Metaverse
Springer Wien/NewYork

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