<videovortex> What is Web Video?

Simon Ruschmeyer simon at movingweb.org
Thu Jul 7 16:19:45 CEST 2011

Dear VideoVortex-List,

What is Web Video?
Have you asked yourself this question before? Just 6 years after it’s birth online video is one of the major communication forms of internet culture. But what distinguishes video on the World Wide Web from other media like tv, video (art) or film? Which genuine forms and genres evolve on platforms like YouTube, Vimeo & Co? As I’m racking my brain about these questions in the preparations for my phd on ‘Aesthetics of Web Video’ I thought I do a small survery to hear what others think about the issue and to start a discussion. Of course I’m going to share the results, so please spare 5 minutes of your time and take part! 


Of course, I would be delighted if you could pass the link on to everyone who might be interested!

Cheers, Simon

Simon Ruschmeyer
Concept & Direction for Moving Media

Email:		simon at ruschmeyer.org
Portfolio: 	www.ruschmeyer.org
Blog:		www.movingweb.org
Collective:	www.filmforest.de
Follow Me:	http://twitter.com/SimonRuschmeyer
Mobile:		+49 176 60013821

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