<videovortex> ACTA, expression of concern

peter peter at constantvzw.org
Wed May 25 12:12:46 CEST 2011

Hi video vortex list,

Thanks to those of you who have already answered to the question below 
through other channels. Sending it now to this list because many of you 
did not yet receive this mail.

The EU parliament will soon vote on the ACTA treaty.

LabtoLab is a network of European medialabs, initiated by PiNG in 
Nantes, Constant in Brussels, Medialab Prado in Madrid, Kitchen Budapest.
LabtoLab expresses its concerns about the impact of the ACTA treaty on 
the practices that we develop.

We wrote an open letter stating these concerns, the letter can be found 
at this address:

If you support the standpoint of the letter, we would like to ask you to 
co-sign this letter as a supporter. You can do this by sending an e-mail 
to acta at constantvzw.org

Please include your family name and first name, the institute or 
organisation you are part of and your position in it, or simply the 
activity that you would like to see mentioned.

There is some urgency involved. The voting will take place early June, 
so we will send the letter to members of the European Parliament and 
members of the national parliaments of the signatories early next week.

for LabtoLab,

Peter Westenberg

constant vzw | rue du fort straat 5 | 1060 brussel belgie | 0032 (0)2 
5392467 | constantvzw.org

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