<videovortex> 3D Karaoke

G.H. Hovagimyan ghh at thing.net
Sat Sep 22 15:12:24 CEST 2012

Hi All,
I've developed an open source app for use with 2 kinect cameras.
It's a 3D Karaoke app. Right now it uses two cameras and processing.
you add the karaoke songs and lyrics separately and put in the time code for the lyrics.
it uses mesh lab as the 3D matrix.  It can be developed further and is actually a good basis to develop
lots of other live 3D video.  Here's the link for the repository --
It's a lot of fun for parties!  
Still to be done is to add a 3rd camera. seems like the kinect software needs a separate USB bus for each camera.
It won't work if two or three cameras are plugged into a USB hub on a single bus. The most I could get are two cameras.
If anyone is interested in working with me to develop this further or take it in a different direction please contact me or
grab the app and have fun with it!

G.H. Hovagimyan

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