<videovortex> AXW/online has launched! Another eXperiment by Women Film Festival

Evelin Stermitz es at mur.at
Thu Sep 25 10:59:25 CEST 2014

It’s AXW/online!

Another Experiment by Women Film Festival Screening Series

We really want you to Tweet or Facebook this information to your own  
networks and help us get the word out about this new endeavor:

AXW/online streaming web site has launched! Experimental Shorts by  
Women - sometimes forbidden and somewhat unknown: http://axwonline.com/

Now AXW/online expands “Real Time and Space” globally with On-Demand  
Streaming of films for a limited period of time, for personal home  
use, on computers, TVs, tablets, entertainment centers, and other  

Directed by Lili White <lili at liliwhite.com>

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