<videovortex> B -Seite Festival 2017 | LPM 2015 > 2018 | March 17 - 25 Mannheim
info at avnode.org
Mon Mar 13 13:33:45 CET 2017
Ciao ,
from 17 to 25 March 2017, B- Seite Festival celebrates the 10th anniversary with a program full of the amazing developments of audiovisual new media art: the biggest vj conference in Germany, great international guests und the common mix of performances, exhibition, parties and workshops.
To present, communicate and discuss the multiple trends, forms and topics from different areas of new media art and digital art to a wider audience of spectators, creatives and experts is the goal of the „Verein für visuelle Kunst und Jetztkultur“ and B- Seite Festival.
B- Seite Festival
17 - 25 March
“We connect, stregthen and heal. We are the cutting line between indecision and action, between monotony and variety. We have the smile and simplemindedness. The expected marvels at us. An aesthetic based on digits is our driving force. The enlightenment and emancipatory impetus for what the internet once was representative, is still alive in many of the works presented at the festival. Genre borders have no place in our laboratory.”
The owners of a record player will easily relate to the concept of the Festival for Visual Arts and Contemporary Culture: sometimes it’s the unimposing “B” that is hiding the true gem of a vinyl record. B-Side is tracing these jewels that are prospering out of the limelight. The “B-Seite” festival risks a second look and does not refrain from placing the needle on the grooves that have gone unnoticed.
The rich program (http://jetztkultur.de/b-seite/en/programm/) foresees even the participation of many partners of AVnode LPM 2015 > 2018 (https://avnode.org/activities/lpm-2015-2018/) , that unites artists and gathers information about events presenting contemporary audiovisual art, supported by the EU programme, Creative Europe.
See you in Mannheim!
AVnode Team
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