<videovortex> New YouTube Book!

Patricia Lange pglange at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 13 20:09:02 CET 2019

Dear Colleagues,
My new book on sociality on YouTube is now out! It is called Thanks for Watching: An Anthropological Study of Video Sharing on YouTube (University Press of Colorado, 2019). The book takes a diachronic approach to analyze how YouTubers share video to connect rather than achieve celebrity. The book may be used for teaching themes in new media such as the impact of monetization on video sociality, digital migration patterns, overstated claims of narcissism, and an exploration of YouTube as a site of the posthuman. Whereas many books about video focus on identity performance, this book incorporates the rhythm analysis of Lefebvre to understand interactional dynamics over time.
Link to University Press of Colorado: https://upcolorado.com/university-press-of-colorado/item/3737-thanks-for-watching
[40% discount if you use the code LANG19 on the University Press of Colorado Website in the next few days]
Link to Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Thanks-Watching-Anthropological-Sharing-YouTube/dp/1607329484

I'm happy to provide chapter summaries for anyone who is interested. 
Best regards,
Patricia G. Lange
Associate Professor
California College of the Arts
plange at cca.edu

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