[WebCultures] Internet Histories - NEW Journal in 2017

Michael Stevenson michael at webcultures.org
Wed Jun 1 11:35:25 CEST 2016

Wonderful news! Congratulations to all the editors for getting this off the ground! 


Internet Histories - NEW Journal in 2017

Editors: Niels Brügger (Managing Editor), Gerard Goggin, Valérie Schafer, Megan Ankerson, and Ian Milligan (Review Editor)

Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society is an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal concerned with research on the cultural, social, political and technological histories of the internet and associated digital cultures. The journal embraces empirical as well as theoretical and methodological studies within the field of the history of the internet broadly conceived — from early computer networks, usenet and Bulletin Board Systems, to everyday Internet with the web through the emergence of new forms of internet with mobile phones and tablet computers, social media, and the internet of things. The journal will also provide the premier outlet for cutting-edge research in the closely related area of histories of digital cultures.

A hallmark of the journal is its desire to publish and catalyse research and scholarly debate on the development, forms, and histories of the internet internationally, across the full global range of countries, regions, cultures, and communities. Importantly, the journal draws on a wide range of disciplines within the humanities and the social sciences. Internet Histories will also be open to interdisciplinary studies of history of internet and digital cultures, from computer, information, engineering, and other science and technology researchers.

Contributions might include but not be limited to:

	• History of the internet and the web
	• Web histories
	• History of networks
	• Alternative, marginal, or subcultural histories
	• Feminist, queer, and disability histories
	• Local and regional internet histories
	• Gender and race studies of digital cultures
	• Histories of digital recording, production, distribution, file formats and sharing
	• Internet and digital music and sound histories
	• Infrastructure studies
	• National paths to digitalization
	• Telecommunications and computing convergence
	• History of code, protocols, services, interfaces, graphical representation and interactivity
	• History of online communities
	• History of digital uses, users and cultures
	• Internet governance, regulation and policy history
	• Historical cross-media studies
	• Pedagogy and teaching of internet histories
	• Methodological approaches to study digital and network histories
	• Histories of internet policy, law, and regulation

Michael Stevenson 
Assistant Professor New Media & Digital Culture 
Centre for Media and Journalism Studies
University of Groningen

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