[WebCultures] CFP, Internet Histories
Niels Brügger
nb at cc.au.dk
Tue Jan 17 09:56:32 CET 2017
Call for papers for the third issue of the journal 'Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society’ (Routledge/Taylor & Francis).
After an inaugural double issue that will be published in June 2017, the third Issue of 'Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society' is planned for mid-August 2017. If you wish to have an article considered for inclusion in this issue, please submit before the beginning of February 2017.
'Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society’ is an international, inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal concerned with research on the cultural, social, political and technological histories of the internet and associated digital cultures.
The journal embraces empirical as well as theoretical and methodological studies within the field of the history of the internet broadly conceived — from early computer networks, Usenet and Bulletin Board Systems, to everyday Internet with the web through the emergence of new forms of internet with mobile phones and tablet computers, social media, and the internet of things. The journal will also provide the premier outlet for cutting-edge research in the closely related area of histories of digital cultures.
You can find the aims and scope of the journal, the suggested topics and the process for submitting you paper at http://tandfonline.com/loi/rint20.
We are looking forward to reading you.
Niels Brügger, Megan Sapnar Ankerson, Gerard Goggin, Ian Milligan, and Valérie Schafer
NEW JOURNAL: Internet Histories—Digital Technology, Culture and Society, http://tandfonline.com/loi/rint20<http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftandfonline.com%2Floi%2Frint20&h=4AQGhuBgqAQEAhzzyp1X27mI8Sn_XTSvFLHV_ddZm9OXOQA&enc=AZN_rQ35kUoUyznQR9iv3ben1pFLjnq0JsrpbLzIbzwtd4DHCD3J4kxp8BJe3u6wFEeu12CWlVHwJxOWnH5nt0nW8JHrocjmSKZBqV-P9sGABtpyQUBK3f47ycS3AK3An8_GEeg-lKz2hSPiBo8aD4mxDqPmqU8nBUfYPdczV7kZgw&s=1>
Webraries and Web Archives: The Web between public and private. In D. Baker, W. Ewans (Eds.), The End of Wisdom?: The Future of Libraries in a Digital Age (pp. 185–190). Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2017.
Pre-pub versions:
Digital Humanities. In K.B. Jensen, R.T. Craig, J. Pooley, E. Rothenbuhler (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (vol. 1, pp. 548-556). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell/The International Communication Association (ICA), 2016
Digital Humanities in the 21st Century: Digital Material as a Driving Force, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 10(3), 2016
Read article: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/10/3/000256/000256.html
The Web’s first 25 years (guest editor and Introduction), New Media & Society, 18(7), 2016
Read more: http://nms.sagepub.com/content/18/7
Humanities, Digital Humanities, Media Studies, Internet Studies: An Inaugural Lecture. The Centre for Internet Studies’ Monograph Series, 16, Aarhus 2015, 15 p.
Download publication: http://cfi.au.dk/news/article/artikel/inaugural-lecture-listen-here/
A brief history of Facebook as a media text: The development of an empty structure, First Monday, 20(5), 2015
Read article: http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/5423
NIELS BRÜGGER, Professor (MSO, with special responsibilities), PhD
Head of the Centre for Internet Studies, and of NetLab
School of Communication and Culture
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14, building 5347, room 236
8200 Aarhus N
Phone (switchboard) +45 8715 0000
Phone (direct) +45 8716 1971
Phone (mobile) +45 2945 3231
E-mail nb at cc.au.dk<mailto:nb at dac.au.dk>
Webpage http://imv.au.dk/~nb
Profile at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/50a/555
Skype name: niels_bruegger
The Centre for Internet Studies, http://cfi.au.dk
NetLab, http://netlab.dk
RESAW, a Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Material, http://resaw.eu
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