[WebCultures] Reminder CfP Special issue of Internet Histories: The 90s as a turning decade for Internet and the Web
Benjamin Thierry
benjaminthierry at gmail.com
Tue Sep 12 09:03:25 CEST 2017
Dear colleagues,
Just a friendly reminder of our call for papers dedicated to the 90s, that will end on September 20.
We are looking forward to reading your proposals.
Best regards,
Benjamin G. Thierry
Benjamin Thierry
Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine
Vice-président chargé des humanités numériques et des systèmes d’information
Université Paris-Sorbonne
Bureau F328
1, rue Victor Cousin
75005 Paris
06 79 18 72 21
Call for Papers - Special issue of Internet Histories. Digital Technology, Culture and Society.
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The 90s as a turning decade for Internet and the Web
This call for papers aims to revisit the history of Internet and the Web within a specific decade that coincides with the Web’s availability for the general public: the 1990s.
How did the course of Internet History change in the 90s? Which continuities and turns, tensions and debates emerged within the Internet community, within digital communities, and more generally within society at large? How can we map the Internet and the Web of the Nineties? Who were the key actors and more hidden figures of their adoption and massification? How can we characterize the digital cultures of the 1990s and reconstruct and revisit them? What did Web browsing meant for Internet users of the Nineties? How can we explain nostalgia today for this past Web?
We hope to explore these questions and many others in this special issue, through global, transnational, national, regional and local histories.
Suggested topics:
- The mass diffusion of the Internet: its rhythms, patterns, issues, actors, limits
- The emergence of the World Wide Web and the paths to the Web in the 90s
- The heritage of previous times, models, projects and achievements in Internet history
- “Eternal September” and other newcomers on the Internet and/or on the Web
- The communication around the Internet and the Web (in media, advertisements, political or economic discourses, etc.) and their socialisation
- The Internet’s commercial turn
- The history of ISPs and of content providers
- History of 90s websites and online communities
- The controversies and debates that involved the Internet and Web during the 90s
- The Web of the 90s and its relationship with convergent media dynamics/histories of the period (e.g. television, telecommunications, print…)
- The topic of the Internet and the Web versus “older media” (in press, TV, radio, online)
- The dot-com bubble
- Digital archeology and the reconstruction of digital communities and vanished spaces
- Digital tools and digital humanities for reconstructing and analysing the Web of the 90s
- Discussions on the place and on the 90s turn within the history of the Internet and the Web (realities, limits, critics…)
- The nostalgia for the past of the Internet and Web of the 90s
Of course, we encourage and welcome other topics and perspectives on the 90s as a turning decade for Internet and the Web.
The proposals are to be submitted to
benjaminthierry at gmail.com <mailto:benjaminthierry at gmail.com>
valerieschafer at wanadoo.fr <mailto:valerieschafer at wanadoo.fr>
explicitly mentioning CFP 90s
They need to fit on one page, detail an explicit angle of analysis and outline, and integrate a short bibliography.
Selected authors will be invited to submit then a full paper through the editorial system, which will undergo full peer review and will determine acceptance of papers for publication.
Deadline for the submission of proposals: September 20th 2017
Notification of proposal acceptance: October 1st 2017
Submissions of the full paper (6000-8000 words): March 1st 2018
Feedback based on reviews: April 20th 2018
Deadline for Revisions: June 20th 2018
Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society is an international, inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal concerned with research on the cultural, social, political and technological histories of the internet and associated digital cultures.
More information on the journal can be found at
http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=rint20 <http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=rint20>
Instructions for Authors are available at
http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=rint20#Word_limits <http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=rint20#Word_limits>
Should you have any questions regarding this CfP, please feel free to contact us:
benjaminthierry at gmail.com <mailto:benjaminthierry at gmail.com>
valerieschafer at wanadoo.fr <mailto:valerie.schafer at cnrs.fr>
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