[WebCultures] CFP: Internet histories and computational methods

Niels Brügger nb at cc.au.dk
Tue Nov 20 09:48:58 CET 2018


Den 11. okt. 2018 kl. 16.53 skrev Niels Brügger <nb at cc.au.dk<mailto:nb at cc.au.dk>>:

Call for papers
Internet histories and computational methods
Special issue of  Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society
(editors of special issue: Niels Brügger & Ian Milligan)

The internet is a born-digital medium, but for a number of years many histories of the internet have used traditional non-computational methods such as document analysis and interviews. However, recent studies of the archived web have benefited from the born-digital nature of the Web and have fruitfully used computational methods to explore the internet’s past.
Although the use of computational methods is not necessary just because the object of study itself is digital, with this special issue of Internet Histories we would like to map and present some of the possibilities and challenges related to the use of computational methods within historical studies of the internet and the web.
We welcome articles about any use of computers to study the internet's history, from computational methods used to study digitized documents such as scanned documents and other similar sources to established and emerging computational methods used to study the internet itself, from email lists to USENET archives to the archived web and beyond. Articles can be either theoretical, methodological or can explore the findings of studies.
Topics can include, but are not limited to:

•      document studies using text mining or similar computational techniques;

•      studies using network analysis, image analysis or similar digital methods;

•      the importance of collecting and preserving digital sources and the interface between collections and computational methods;

•      the historical development of computational methods and tools;

•      approaches to develop infrastructure to enable the study of born-digital documents;

•      commercial vs. academic approaches to computational methods;

•      computational methods used to study email lists, web archives, social media, and more;

•      the interplay between internet histories and digital humanities;

•      the use of social media as a historical source;

•      surprise us! — computational methods may have been used to write histories of the internet in ways we could not even imagine...
We ask for abstracts of a maximum of 700 words to be emailed to Niels Brügger (nb at cc.au.dk<mailto:nb at cc.au.dk>) and Ian Milligan (i2millig at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:i2millig at uwaterloo.ca>) no later than 7 December 2018. Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit an article, and notification about acceptance will be sent by 23 December 2018. Please note that acceptance of abstract does not imply final publication as all articles have to go through the journal's usual review process.
Time schedule

•      7 Dec 2018: due date for abstracts

•      23 December: notification of acceptance

•      April 2019: accepted articles to be submitted

•      May-July: review process and revisions

More information on Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society can be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rint20


Niels Brügger

NEW JOURNAL: Internet Histories—Digital Technology, Culture and Society, issue (2(1-2)) OUT NOW, http://tandfonline.com/loi/rint20<http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftandfonline.com%2Floi%2Frint20&h=4AQGhuBgqAQEAhzzyp1X27mI8Sn_XTSvFLHV_ddZm9OXOQA&enc=AZN_rQ35kUoUyznQR9iv3ben1pFLjnq0JsrpbLzIbzwtd4DHCD3J4kxp8BJe3u6wFEeu12CWlVHwJxOWnH5nt0nW8JHrocjmSKZBqV-P9sGABtpyQUBK3f47ycS3AK3An8_GEeg-lKz2hSPiBo8aD4mxDqPmqU8nBUfYPdczV7kZgw&s=1>


Web Archiving. In P. Moy (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780199756841-0213
A brief outline of temporalities of the web: Online and in web archives. In V. Schafer (ed.), Temps et temporalités du web (pp. 57-74). Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest. 2018.
Web history and social media. In J. Burgess, A. Marwick, T. Poell (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Media (pp. 196-212). London: Sage. 2018.

Web 25: Histories from the first 25 years of the World Wide Web (Ed. N. Brügger). New York : Peter Lang, 2017. 257 p.
Read more: https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/80641?rskey=tRbcn4&result=4

The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present (eds. N. Brügger, R. Schroeder). London: UCL Press, 2017
Download FREE copy: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-press/browse-books/the-web-as-history

Probing a nation’s web domain: A new approach to web history and a new kind of historical source. In G. Goggin, M. McLelland (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories (pp. 61-73). New York/Abingdon: Routledge 2017.

Digital Humanities in the 21st Century: Digital Material as a Driving Force, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 10(3), 2016
Read article: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/10/3/000256/000256.html

A brief history of Facebook as a media text: The development of an empty structure, First Monday, 20(5), 2015
Read article: http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/5423

NIELS BRÜGGER, Professor (MSO, with special responsibilities), PhD
Head of the Centre for Internet Studies, and of NetLab
School of Communication and Culture
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14, building 5348, room 239
8200 Aarhus N

Phone (switchboard)    +45 8715 0000
Phone (direct)               +45 8716 1971
Phone (mobile)             +45 2945 3231
E-mail                            nb at cc.au.dk<mailto:nb at dac.au.dk>
Webpage                       http://imv.au.dk/~nb

Profile at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/50a/555
Skype name: niels_bruegger

The Centre for Internet Studies, http://cfi.au.dk<http://cfi.au.dk/>
NetLab, http://netlab.dk<http://netlab.dk/>
RESAW, a Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Material, http://resaw.eu<http://resaw.eu/>

NEW JOURNAL: Internet Histories—Digital Technology, Culture and Society, issue (2(1-2)) OUT NOW, http://tandfonline.com/loi/rint20<http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftandfonline.com%2Floi%2Frint20&h=4AQGhuBgqAQEAhzzyp1X27mI8Sn_XTSvFLHV_ddZm9OXOQA&enc=AZN_rQ35kUoUyznQR9iv3ben1pFLjnq0JsrpbLzIbzwtd4DHCD3J4kxp8BJe3u6wFEeu12CWlVHwJxOWnH5nt0nW8JHrocjmSKZBqV-P9sGABtpyQUBK3f47ycS3AK3An8_GEeg-lKz2hSPiBo8aD4mxDqPmqU8nBUfYPdczV7kZgw&s=1>


The Archived Web: Doing History in the Digital Age. MIT Press. 2018, 185 p. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/archived-web
Web Archiving. In P. Moy (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1093/OBO/9780199756841-0213
A brief outline of temporalities of the web: Online and in web archives. In V. Schafer (ed.), Temps et temporalités du web (pp. 57-74). Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest. 2018.
Web history and social media. In J. Burgess, A. Marwick, T. Poell (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Media (pp. 196-212). London: Sage. 2018.

Web 25: Histories from the first 25 years of the World Wide Web (Ed. N. Brügger). New York : Peter Lang, 2017. 257 p.
Read more: https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/80641?rskey=tRbcn4&result=4

The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present (eds. N. Brügger, R. Schroeder). London: UCL Press, 2017
Download FREE copy: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-press/browse-books/the-web-as-history

Probing a nation’s web domain: A new approach to web history and a new kind of historical source. In G. Goggin, M. McLelland (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories (pp. 61-73). New York/Abingdon: Routledge 2017.

Digital Humanities in the 21st Century: Digital Material as a Driving Force, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 10(3), 2016
Read article: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/10/3/000256/000256.html

A brief history of Facebook as a media text: The development of an empty structure, First Monday, 20(5), 2015
Read article: http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/5423

NIELS BRÜGGER, Professor (MSO, with special responsibilities), PhD
Head of the Centre for Internet Studies, and of NetLab
School of Communication and Culture
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14, building 5348, room 239
8200 Aarhus N

Phone (switchboard)    +45 8715 0000
Phone (direct)               +45 8716 1971
Phone (mobile)             +45 2945 3231
E-mail                            nb at cc.au.dk<mailto:nb at dac.au.dk>
Webpage                       http://imv.au.dk/~nb

Profile at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/1/50a/555
Skype name: niels_bruegger

The Centre for Internet Studies, http://cfi.au.dk
NetLab, http://netlab.dk
RESAW, a Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Material, http://resaw.eu

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