[WebCultures] Internet Histories, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2020 is now available online

Asger Harlung asger at cc.au.dk
Mon Sep 14 14:18:20 CEST 2020

To whom it may concern,

The Editorial Staff of Internet Histories is pleased to announce that;

Internet Histories, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2020 is now available online.

The issues is Internet Histories' Early Career Researcher Award issue.

It may be accessed at this URL:

This new issue contains the following articles:


Internet histories early career researcher award
Niels Brügger, Gerard Goggin, Ian Milligan & Valérie Schafer


The efficacy of civil society in global internet governance
Sherly Haristya

Laying the foundation for a commercialized internet: international internet governance in the 1990s
Meghan Grosse

Outlining the history of cyberactivism in Brazil
Raul Nunes

Tracing Weibo (2009–2019): The commercial dissolution of public communication and changing politics
Lianrui Jia & Xiaofei Han

Bodies that matter, bodies that don’t: selective disembodiment in the early Wired magazine (1993–1997)
Elisabetta Ferrari

Book Review

A review essay: examining the fraught racial, gendered and class-based origins of the early internet and its antecedents
Will Mari

Kind regards on behalf of the ​editors,

Asger Harlung
Editorial Assistant, Internet Histories

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