[WebCultures] PhD position on the history of online comments

Anne Helmond anne.helmond at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 13:49:22 CET 2021

We are searching for a PhD candidate (100%) to work with us to examine the
history of online commenting technologies and practices at the University
of Siegen, Germany.

The DFG-funded sub-project "Historical Technography of Online Commentary",
part of the newly established Collaborative Research Center
"Transformations of the Popular" will be led by Johannes Paßmann and Anne

Please find more details about the project, candidate requirements and
application procedure here:
Deadline: 28 January 2021.

For further questions, do not hesitate to contact us:
Dr. Johannes Paßmann
Johannes.Passmann at uni-siegen.de

Ass. Prof. Dr. Anne Helmond
a.helmond at uva.nl

Feel free to forward to your students and colleagues!

Best wishes,
Anne Helmond


Dr. Anne Helmond | Assistant Professor of New Media and Digital Culture
University of Amsterdam | Turfdraagsterpad 9 | 1012 XT  Amsterdam | The
http://www.uva.nl/profile/a.helmond | http://www.annehelmond.nl/ |

Highlighted publication:

Helmond, Anne. 2015. “The Platformization of the Web: Making Web Data
Platform Ready.” Social Media + Society 1 (2). doi:10.1177/2056305115603080.
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