::fibreculture:: Research Fellow: Communications Regulation in the Digital Economy

Scott McQuire mcquire at unimelb.edu.au
Fri Aug 27 07:32:46 CEST 2010

Research Fellow: Communications Regulation in the Digital Economy
School of Culture and Communication, Faculty of Arts, University of
This project is a collaboration between the Communications Alliance, and the
University of Melbourne, and will research consumer policy relating to the
telecommunications sector. The research fellow is expected to assist in the
development of industry positions that may be used as an input to the
Federal Government¹s proposed review of regulation in a convergent digital
The successful applicant will be responsible for performing the research and
assisting with report writing relating to various aspects of
telecommunications, media and convergent regulation. The position will be
located in the Media and Communications Program in the Faculty of Arts and
project oversight will be provided by senior staff from the Institute for a
Broadband-Enabled Society. Some travel may be required to conduct
stakeholder interviews.
Salary: $52,742 - $71,571 p.a. plus 9% super. Full time (1 year fixed-term)
Further details available on the University of Melbourne HR job search site
Job No: 0024475

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