::fibreculture:: Symposium on Dancing and Braiding - videos now available

Alex McLean alex at slab.org
Mon Nov 18 11:17:00 CET 2019

Dear fibreculture,

I thought you might enjoy the videos from the AlgoMech symposium on
Dancing and Braiding. It includes perspectives on technology from the
point of view of textiles.

Here is the link to the videos, more info below.


Launching the third edition of AlgoMech Festival, this was an
interdisciplinary symposium bringing together perspectives from
digital media, choreography & dance technology, traditional Andean and
Ancient Greek textiles, e-textiles, philology, live coding and
architecture. Through talks, discussion and performance, contributors
to the symposium will consider their work in the context of
interlacing within and between textiles, e-textiles, pattern,
structure and movement, including dance. Interfaces between materials,
craft technologies, digital engineering, responsive systems, embodied
communications, threads, inter-weaving, intertwining, braiding and
building will provide a rich vein of dialogue, experimentation and
recent practice-led outcomes.

Sesssion 1 - Textile as interface (Chair: Victoria Mitchell)
Kate Sicchio - "Making movement pattern through language"
Berit Greinke - "Crafting holes in space with textiles"

Session 2 - In and Out of Weaving (Chair: Thea Pitman)
Sandra de Berduccy - Deep weave: Complex structures inside a soft
thinking machine
Toni Buckby - Interlace project: Open source weaving in Derby Silk
Mill Museum of Making

Intermission - music box performance by David Littler

Session 3 - Textile as interface (Chair: Becky Stewart)
Victoria Mitchell - Braiding & dancing
Rosamaria Kostic Cisernos - Weaving in Flamenco

Session 4 - Threads and technologies on the move (Chair: Emma Cocker)
Dave Griffiths - Penelopean technology - woven robots
Giovanni Fanfani - Interlacing chorality - plaiting, braiding, and
weaving in ancient Greek choral performances

Best wishes,


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