[Filmfestivalresearch] Dissemination of the results of the roundtable discussion: Festivals and the Lives of Films

Juan Camilo De Angulo jangulo502 at utexas.edu
Fri Apr 26 16:10:46 CEST 2019

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	  Original Message  

From: tck at filmfestival-studien.de
Sent: April 26, 2019 09:04
To: filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org
Reply-to: tck at filmfestival-studien.de
Subject: [Filmfestivalresearch] Dissemination of the results of the roundtable discussion: Festivals and the Lives of Films

Dear Marijke de Valck,

Thank you very much for organizing this valuable roundtable discussion.
Since some of the research community are certainly interested in the results
of the discussion, but won't be able to join, could the event be possibly
recorded for dissemination e.g. by YouTube or could at least a sound file be

Many thanks and best regards,

Tanja Krainhöfer

Filmfestivals Studien
Tanja C. Krainhöfer
Steinstr. 5
81667 München

An initiative of an alliance of independent researcher with the focus on
film festival www.filmfestival-studien.de

Krainhöfer, Tanja C. 2018, Research for the European Commission – Mapping of
Collaboration Models among Film Festivals.
A qualitative analysis to identify and assess collaboration models in the
context of the multiple functions and objectives of film festivals, Brussels


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Von: Filmfestivalresearch <filmfestivalresearch-bounces at listcultures.org> Im
Auftrag von filmfestivalresearch-request at listcultures.org
Gesendet: Freitag, 26. April 2019 15:32
An: filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org
Betreff: Filmfestivalresearch Digest, Vol 103, Issue 2

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Today's Topics:

   1. May 2nd, 2 PM | a roundtable discussion on FESTIVALS AND THE
      LIVES OF FILMS | Utrecht University (Valck, M. de (Marijke))
   2. New York Forum of Amazigh Film (Habiba Boumlik)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 12:56:45 +0000
From: "Valck, M. de (Marijke)" <m.devalck at uu.nl>
To: "filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org"
<filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org>
Subject: [Filmfestivalresearch] May 2nd, 2 PM | a roundtable
discussion on FESTIVALS AND THE LIVES OF FILMS | Utrecht University

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Dear colleagues,

The following event may be of interest to you.

Festivals and the Lives of Films
Date: May 2nd 2019
Time: 2 ? 4 pm, followed by drinks
Venue: MCW Lab, Kromme Nieuwegracht 20, Utrecht

Each year more than 6,000 film festivals take place around the world. They
come in many sizes and flavors. Some celebrate certain genres or types of
film. Others are committed to social justice or serve the needs of specific
communities. Most can be seen as hubs (big or small) of international film
culture. These festivals are part of an international ecosystem that
moderates the flows of global film circulation. To understand film reception
and consumption in local cultures, we need to address the tight connections
and collaborations that exist between major fests and the media industries.
Where films premier, how they are subsequently programmed, and which
promotional strategies are employed have substantial impact on films?
(possible) itineraries across the globe. The surge in co-production markets,
festival funds and training initiatives of the last two decades, moreover,
has extended festivals? traditional function in exhibition to include
production. This roundtable discussion will explore how the lives of films
are interrelated with festivals as part of the global media industries.

Confirmed participants
Prof. Skadi Loist
Dr. Aida Vallejo
Prof. Philippe Meers
Moderator: Marijke de Valck

The event is organized by the Utrecht Centre for Media Research as part of
the ?media industries? domain. If you are in the vicinity, please join us in
the roundtable discussion on Festivals and the Lives of Films.


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 13:31:26 +0000
From: Habiba Boumlik <hboumlik at lagcc.cuny.edu>
To: "Filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org"
<Filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org>
Subject: [Filmfestivalresearch] New York Forum of Amazigh Film
Message-ID: <1556285517186.4214 at lagcc.cuny.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The 5th edition of the New York Forum of Amazigh Film (NYFAF) on May 9th and
10th will showcase documentaries, shorts, and a feature chosen to explore
the theme of Navigating Plural Identities of North Africa, which encompasses
a variety of languages, ethnicities, religions, cultural practices, and
artistic expressions.

Program highlights:

?     On Thursday May 9th, we will start at 9:15 with an hour-long session
on rural Amazigh women's labor and self-perceptions. We will then welcome
Dr. Daniela Merolla, an expert from the Sorbonne's National Institute of
Oriental Languages and Literatures, and the Moroccan filmmaker Hakim
Belabbes to join in conversation and help us discuss a short documentary on
the Amazigh wedding ceremony. Our afternoon session features a powerful
journey of return by a Dutch-Moroccan woman who probes her family's
perceptions of gender equality.  Students can also enjoy Amazigh music and a
reception before the evening session - Belabbes's elliptical and humorous
feature, "Defining Love."

?     On Friday May 9th, students will participate in selecting and
celebrating the winner of the Best Amazigh Short Competition.

Lastly, we are pleased to invite you to join us, our guest experts, and the
Middle East Institute of Columbia University on the Columbia campus the
afternoon of May 10th for continued conversation on Amazigh cinema and
additional screenings. For details, please see program below or our website:

NYFAF 2019 Program

Thursday May 9, 2019
LaGuardia Community College, LPAC, Little Theater
Introduction to NYFAF

The Mountain's Echo: The Voices of Amazigh Women Soufian Aaraichi,
documentary, Morocco, 2015, 16 min Q & A with student cultural translators

Call for Discussion: North African Plural Identities through Amazigh Film
Dr. Daniela Merolla and Hakim Belabbes, Moroccan Filmmaker

Amazigh Wedding in the Anergui Valley
Farida Benlyazid, documentary, Morocco, 2016, 26 min Q&A with Daniela
Merolla and Hakim Belabbes

2-4 pm
The journey of Khadija
Khadija al Mourabit, Documentary, Netherlands/Morocco, 2017, 71 min Q&A with
the filmmaker

Musical Performance: Kabyle Music


Defining Love, a Failed Attempt
Hakim Belabbas, experimental feature, Morocco/USA, 2012, 90 min Q&A with
Hakim Belabbes

Friday May 10, 2019

LaGuardia Community College, LPAC, Little Theater

Best Amazigh Short Competition - screenings, vote, and ceremony No, Dimna
Bounaylat, Morocco 2018, 18 min Family in Exile, Fatima Matousse, Morocco
2018, 15 min Afdis (The Hammer), Azro Magora, Libya 2017, 12 min Lotos, Slim
Belguith, Tunisia, 2018, 8 min

Columbia University
Cowin Auditorium, Teachers College

Syrine Said, Documentary short, Tunisia, 2015, 10 min

Roundtable: Amazigh Cinema with Dr. Daniela Merolla, Filmmaker Hakim
Belabbes, and faculty and students from Columbia University and LaGuardia
Community College

An?aq (Migrating)
Mohamed Bouzia, documentary, Morocco, 2018, 60 min Q&A with invited guests

Afdis (The Hammer)
Azro Magora, Libya, 2017, 11min

Zahra's Mother Tongue
Fatima Sissani, documentary, France, 2011, 93 min Q&A with invited guests



Habiba Boumlik
Associate Professor, ELA
City University of New York, LaGuardia CC
31-10 Thomson Avenue  B-234
Long Island City, NY 11101
Tel: 718-482-5160

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