[Filmfestivalresearch] [ DEADLINE EXTENDED ] Call for Papers || Reframing Film Festivals

Andrea Gelardi aundicii at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 13:32:03 CEST 2019

*Apologies for cross-posting*

Dear all,

Due to a number of requests, we have extended the deadline until *Tuesday
22 October*. We take the chance to thank all those who have already sent
their proposals.

*Call for Papers*

*Reframing Film Festivals: Histories, Economies, Cultures*

*International Film Studies Conference*

Venice, 11-12 February, 2020

Bari, 25-26 March, 2020

*Abstract Proposal Deadline [EXTENDED]: *22 October 2019

*Confirmed Keynote Speakers:*

Gian Piero Brunetta, Università degli Studi di Padova

Gianni Canova, IULM Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione

Marijke de Valck, Utrecht University

Jean-Michel Frodon, Sciences-Po

Dina Iordanova, University of St Andrews

Roy Menarini, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Dorota Ostrowska, Birkbeck, University of London

Throughout the 2000s the number of film festivals has increased all over
the world at a tremendous pace. In 2019 FilmFreeway lists about eight
thousand festivals as currently active, about twice the amount of less than
a decade ago. Various factors prompted such a terrific growth, such as:
festivals orchestrating the (trans)national production and distribution of
cinema; festivals pivotally stimulating the touristic and economic
development of their hosting community; festivals acting as cultural
arbiters of taste and quality; etc. The scale of festivals today has not
passed unnoticed, contributing to the emergence of a specific area of
scholarly interest. In the last decade, the field of film festival studies
has gained strength and status, focusing entirely on understanding the
functions, the history and the role of film festivals.

*Reframing Film Festivals: Histories, Economies and Cultures *– the
conference organised by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Aldo
Moro University of Bari, in collaboration with the the Apulia Film
Commission, the Consulta Universitaria Cinema, and the Associazione
Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema – seeks to contribute to this
field of research through a series of roundtables and debates involving
film critics, practitioners and scholars. In particular, the conference is
aimed at (re)framing the understanding of these institutions and their
nature by proposing three approaches, different but interweaved:

-      A historiographical approach, one set to explore the ways film
festivals contribute to shape the writing of film (and media)history,
moulding the canon formation and informing aesthetic hierarchies.

-      A culturalist approach, one set to investigate how film festivals,
by championing certain discourses *of *and *on *cinema and media,
contribute to articulate and re-position specific national, cultural,
gender identities.

-      An economic approach, one set to analyse the process by which film
festivals add value within the film industry as much as to local touristic

In this vein, *Reframing Film Festivals: Histories, Economies, Cultures *seeks
to foster an interdisciplinary and intersectional reading of film
festivals, here conceived as a historiographic “dispositive”, as cultural
formations and as financial institutions. Within a single and cohesive
research framework, the Ca’ Foscari strandwill be devoted to the
critical-historic and historiographic dimension of film festivals, while
at the University of Bari the focus will be placed on their cultural and
economic dimension.

Therefore submissions, with both an empirical and/or a theoretical
approach, are welcomed across a range of topics including, but not limited

-       The festival-form: histories and theories

-       Film festivals and historiographic paradigms

-       Film festivals, aesthetic regimes and taste cultures

-       Micro-histories of film festivals

-       Politics of selection and programming in film festivals

-       Festival films/films for festivals

-       Artistic directors, jury members, selection boards

-       Editorial outputs of film festivals

-       The audiences of film festivals

-       Film festivals, cinephilia and criticism

-       Film festivals and national identities

-       Film festivals and geopolitics

-       Film festivals, ethnocentrism, exoticism

-       Film festivals and cultural consumption

-       Film festivals and gender

-       Film festivals and race

-       Thematic and retrospective film festivals

-      Archival film festivaland contemporary historiography

-      TV and web festivals

-      Virtual reality festivals

-       “Small” film festivals: roles and functions

-      Film festivals and LGBTQI+ cultures

-      Erotic and pornographic film festivals

-      The films festivals’ circuit and the global film market

-       Film festivals: transnational distribution and production

-       Film festivals and film funds

-       Film festivals and digital platforms

-       Business models of film festivals

-       Film festivals and economic satellite activities

-       Film festivals and (cine)tourism

-       Film festivals and the fashion industry

-       Film festivals and celebrity culture

-       Fundraising for film festivals

-       Film festivals and sponsorship

We welcome proposals from scholars, film critics and film festival
practitioners for traditional 20-minute individual presentations and panel
proposals. The deadline for the submissions is *22** October 2019 *and
interested contributors should send a 300-500 word abstract and a short
biographical note at the following email address:
reframingfilmfestival at gmail.com. The accepted proposals will be notified by *31
October 2019. The languages of the conference are Italian and English.*

*Organized by: *Marco Dalla Gassa (University Ca’ Foscari, Venezia),
Federico Zecca, Angela Bianca Saponari (University of Bari “Aldo Moro”),
Andrea Gelardi (University of St Andrews).
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