[Filmfestivalresearch] Call for Papers for REBECA on Audiovisual Festivals

Juliana Muylaert jumuylaert at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 15:37:33 CEST 2021

Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the Call for papers for the special session
“Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions: looks and perspectives” to be
published in the brazilian journal of film studies Rebeca next issue:

Call for papers: Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions: looks and

Considering as starting point the Socine em casa live event
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvnGRK0miq8>, on August 2020, “Film
festivals as a research object: methods and practices”, this special
session seeks to bring together papers that consider the challenges and
matters involved in the study of film and audiovisual festivals,
incorporating different methodologies and theoretical approaches. We invite
authors to send their contributions, with special attention to texts
focusing on audiovisual festivals that happened in Brazil and Latin America.

The deadline for article submissions is June 22nd, 2021 and this special
session will be published in Rebeca's 20th  edition, July-December, 2021.
Norms and submissions: https://rebeca.socine.org.br/1/about/submissions.

*Izabel Melo, Juliana Muylaert and Tetê Mattos (Editors)*

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on jumuylaert at gmail.com

Best regards,
*Juliana Muylaert Mager *
PhD History - PPGH/UFF
Associate Researcher - LABHOI/UFF
Teaching Assistant - EARJ

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