<m2m-eng> Give Ricky a life

Jo van der Spek M2M jo at xs4all.nl
Tue Feb 9 14:42:32 CET 2010

Ricky O. is in detention in Alphen aan den Rijn, to be deported to Nigeria.
He is an acknowledged survivor of the Schiphol Fire and has been denied 
residence because of his criminal record.
He is considered un "unwanted alien". This is the second time that Ricky is 
in prison without charges since the fire in 2005.
He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He sleeps badly, has 
nightmares and is scared of fire.
Treatment is not available in prison, nor in his homeground in Nigeria.
The prison psychologist prescribes watching TV.

The other day there was a fire alarm, Ricky panicked and was shouted at, 
forces to the gropund and then put in isolation for five days.
He complained with the director and with the inspection, but was denied a 
The Dutch government continues to deny its responsibility for the victims of 
the fire. They just want to get him out of the way.
The legal procedure is nearly ended. We provide some support through vists, 
phonecards and working with his lawyer and our doctor.
You can support Ricky by writing him

Mui Igbinigie
Registrationnr 3319146.
Detentiecentrum Alphen aan den Rijn
Postbus 2261
2400 CG Alphen aan den Rijn.

You can listen to Ricky speaking at the commemoration in 2008:


Note:  M2M has a new number +31684446021

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