<videovortex> 3 video messages about the viral and bacterial consequences of open pen fish farming

Tom Sherman twsherma at syr.edu
Tue Jul 24 20:01:15 CEST 2012

Hi All,

I've finished the third video in this set.  The research is very satisfying and the form is coming around (Playing with Fire Under Water is the most effective of the three from the responses of people who have seen it).

Best, Tom Sherman

Here are three video messages pointing out the viral and bacterial consequences of open pen fish farming.  These messages are related but do not have to be viewed in sequence or in one sitting.  The main point of these messages is what occurs under these fish farms will not stay under these farms.  The viruses and bacteria and antibiotics, etc., enter the food chain and are distributed on land and throughout our communities.

Please distribute this links to interested parties.

ISAv   https://vimeo.com/44930038

Fish Virus Advisory #6v   https://vimeo.com/45511166

Playing With Fire Under Water    https://vimeo.com/46199136

Thank you.

Tom Sherman


Professor Tom Sherman
Syracuse University
Department of Transmedia
102 Shaffer Art Building
Syracuse, NY 13210-1210

tel  315.443.1202
fax 315.443.1303

twsherma at syr.edu

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