<CPOV> The Wikipedia Cult

Jon Awbrey jawbrey at att.net
Thu Jun 3 19:38:28 CEST 2010

Alan & All,

What binary opposition?

I know some very intelligent people who contributed excellent content
to Wikipedia articles, and some of them are still ''trying'' to do so,
and yet they are many of the strongest critics of Wikipedian practices.

I think the purpose of criticism is a bit more nuanced than that,
and it has more to do with the system of practices that is being
inculcated in impressionable minds than the mere content of pages.

Jon Awbrey

Alan Shapiro wrote:
> I think that it's sad that so much of this discussion seems to come down
> to a binary opposition of either one is critical of Wikipedia or one
> thinks that it's great. Why is it so difficult to have a balanced view?
> My view is both critical and enthusiastic. There's a lot to criticize
> and also a lot of valuable work that has been done there. I know some
> very intelligent people who are contributing to Wikipedia articles.
> Alan


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