<CPOV> fm: Beyond the legacy of the Enlightenment?

Joseph Reagle joseph.nyu at reagle.org
Wed Mar 17 16:15:00 CET 2010

On Wednesday 17 March 2010, Geert Lovink wrote:
> I wondered if everyone had already seen this article on First Monday:

This is similar to my own efforts to situate WP relative to what I call the "universal encyclopedic vision" -- in the dissertation, forthcoming book, and also briefly (publicly) here [1]. The notion of heterotopia is mentioned only in passing, but I've not seen Etienne–Louis Boullée and Otto Neurath placed in this line before. (But there also many others who I think more closely relate including Wells, Ostwald, and Briet.)

I'm also thinking one could also compare the "Dictionary of Received Ideas" to the WikiSpeak dictionary.


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