<CPOV> Egypte, brûle-t-elle?

nathaniel tkacz nathanieltkacz at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 22:47:23 CET 2011

hi athina, dror, all,

wikileaks is undoubtedly an 'event' and very suggestive in terms of
developments in geo- and info-politics. i don't think CPOV is the place to
discuss it though, as this list is for wikipedia and most people on this
list are focused on wikipedia-related issues.

but where best to get into the thick of wikileaks? nettime is probably to
broad to focus too much on one topic. aoir isn't really the place for
critical discussion (imho). perhaps you (athina) should send a general post
to all the lists, a call for interest like you've done here, and if you get
enough interest you could start your own wikileaks list or email group. i
would also canvas the blogosphere as a lot of what i have read has come
through twitter pointing to blog posts.


Nate Tkacz

School of Culture and Communication
University of Melbourne

Twitter: http://twitter.com/__nate__

Research Page: http://nathanieltkacz.net

Current project: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/about-2/

2011/2/4 Dror Kamir <dqamir at bezeqint.net>

>  Hi,
> It is an interesting subject indeed, but I don't see how it relates to the
> concept that underlies Wikipedia, namely sources of knowledge written
> collaboratively or by "crowd-sourcing". Wikileaks, despite the "wiki"
> incorporated in its name, is actually another news agency, collecting
> information from various sources and offering them to newspapers.
> Dror
> בתאריך 03/02/11 17:43, ציטוט Athina Karatzogianni:
> Hi Dror, CPOV list
>  I am emailing to recognise what you are saying in relation to wikipedia's
> Egyptian protest,
> and I dont wish to hijack your email,
> but also I am emailing the list to start a discussion, if people are at all
> willing, on Wikileaks as
> a side issue to this, and the overall social media factor concerning the
> protests in Tunisia, Egypt and soon
> to be elsewhere.
>  The spectrum of issues is so far and wide, that attempting to take in the
> empirical reality quickly enough to
> advance our theoretical understanding of what is happening in so many areas
> is head spinning.
>  I am currently writing a couple of chapters for different book efforts,
> one looking at Wikileaks as an actor in global politics and their effect
> in relation to the content released and the media political economy of how
> it was released, and another looking at Wikileaks
> internally and the organizational, ideological, and internal issues
> emerging in regards to leadership and forking to Openleaks.
> Wikileaks is in a way a starting point to address issues lurking in my area
> of expertise during the last decade.
>  I hope this is not seen as too self-involved and I am wondering whether
> other where doing similar work, in which case it would be interesting for me
> to exchange some views on this list or via one-to-one emails/chats at this
> point.
>  Best,
>  Athina
> 2011/1/31 Dror Kamir <dqamir at bezeqint.net>
>> Hi,
>> I suppose you have all noticed that Egypt is going through rough time, but
>> I wonder if you looked into the history of the article about the events. It
>> almost seems as if the article preceded the actual events. The article on
>> the English-language Wikipedia is entitled "2011 Egyptian protests". It
>> already exists in 39 languages (incl. English). In Arabic and
>> Egyptian-Arabic it is entitled "The Egyptian Revolution of Wrath" (the
>> demonstrations on Friday were called by the organizers "Friday of Wrath").
>> Now to the interesting part - The demonstrations were planned via FaceBook
>> for about a week, and "D-Day" was Tuesday, 25 January (which is a public
>> holiday in Egypt). The first version of the article on the English Wikipedia
>> has a time stamp of 13:26 25 January 2011 (UTC I presume). The person who
>> initiated the article is nicknamed "The Egyptian Liberal" and according to
>> his userpage he is an Egyptian who lives in Dubai and speaks both Arabic and
>> English as mother tongues. "The Egyptian Liberal" worked very fast to enrich
>> the article, and it was practically written in the course of the events. In
>> the list of things that Wikipedia isn't there is a paragraph saying
>> "Wikipedia is not a newspaper". Indeed, Wikipedia did not function here as a
>> newspaper, but rather as a tool serving the organizers of the
>> demonstrations.
>> An equivalent article was initiated on the Arabic Wikipedia 3 and a half
>> hours after its English counterpart. It was initiated by someone who
>> apparently lives in Egypt, but "The Egyptian Liberal" joined him quite soon.
>> The article on the Egyptian-Arabic Wikipedia emerged only on 28 January, two
>> and a half days after its English and Arabic counterparts. It was initiated
>> by a person who lives in Egypt, and he is also the main contributor, but
>> "The Egyptian Liberal" had his share here too.
>> These are just my first observation, which I find interesting because it
>> is, in my opinion, another stage of Wikipedia losing its encyclopedic
>> characteristics.
>> Dror
>> בתאריך 31/01/11 17:07, ציטוט Maja van der Velden:
>>> Define Gender Gap? Look Up Wikipedia’s Contributor List
>>> In 10 short years, Wikipedia has accomplished some remarkable goals. More
>>> than 3.5 million articles in English? Done. More than 250 languages? Sure.
>>> But another number has proved to be an intractable obstacle for the online
>>> encyclopedia: surveys suggest that less than 15 percent of its hundreds of
>>> thousands of contributors are women.
>>> More here:
>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/31/business/media/31link.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&emc=eta1&adxnnlx=1296486151-4fB4AiSiCizUtpXNS2UGPA
>>> Greetings,
>>> Maja
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> --
>  Dr Athina Karatzogianni<http://www2.hull.ac.uk/FASS/humanities/media,_culture_and_society/staff/karatzogianni,_dr_athina.aspx>
> Lecturer in Media, Culture and Society
> The Dean's Representative (Chinese Partnerships)
> Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
> The University of Hull
> United Kingdom
> HU6 7RX
> T: ++44 (0) 1482 46 5790
> F: ++44 (0) 1482 466107
> E: a.karatzogianni at hull.ac.uk
> Check out Athina's work<http://www.routledge.com/books/search/keywords/karatzogianni/>
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