<Fair City Amsterdam> Censuur en meningsuiting

Natuurbescherming ZO natuurbeschermingzo at xs4all.nl
Wed Apr 24 11:14:11 CEST 2024

Vanmorgen kreeg ik een bericht uit Griekenland:
“This is Yanis Varoufakis with a message for you just before the European Parliament elections in a Europe (and a world) that seems to have lost its senses.

There are times when we find ourselves exhausted and disheartened on the brink of hopelessness. Watching the genocide of Palestinians unfold in real time has been shocking and traumatic. The complicity of our governments and the silencing -if not the outright suppression- of anyone who calls out this crime has been infuriating. 

In the meantime our own leaders, oblivious to the accelerating climate catastrophe, have been transforming the EU into a War Union at the behest of US (and some European) arms dealers. Our situation can be summed up as follows: While facing an extinction event, instead of working toward reversing the march toward climate disaster, in the name of security we are investing in killing each other.”

Het was Yanis Varoufakis verboden door de Duitse overheid om deel te nemen aan het Palestina Congress in Berlijn, en erger nog, zelfs via een Zoom internetverbinding werd hem verboden hieraan deel te nemen. 
Een interview met hem staat nu op zijn site:



Er wordt intussen oorlog gevoerd zonder dat burgers daar in de EU of elders invloed op kunnen uitoefenen.

“Wars have considerable costs. The war against the Russian-speaking populations of Ukraine is mainly borne by Europeans, while that against the Arabs of Palestine is borne by the United States. All these expenses serve the same strategy, that of Anglo-Saxon global domination.”

“Ukraine’s Opposition To The Assimilation Of Its Refugees [in the EU] Is Extremely Hypocritical
This is the opposite of how Ukraine treats its indigenous Russian minority.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba warned on Friday that “It has become clear that assimilation would be extremely fast if we do not change our policy towards Ukrainians abroad”, calling on these refugees to “remain Ukrainian” with the innuendo that they shouldn’t plant roots in the West. He didn’t explicitly say so, but it’s strongly hinted that he hopes that those millions who’ve fled the latest phase of the Ukrainian Conflict over the past two years will eventually return home to their country.”

“The U.S. Senate voted early Saturday morning to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for two years, including a "poison bill" amendment added by the U.S. House that critics and privacy advocates dubbed the "Make Everyone a Spy" provision.”

“The White House enthusiastically backed surveillance reauthorization that despite a fresh record of routine abuses expands security agencies' spying power. 
On April 20, Edward Snowden declared, ‘America lost something important today, and hardly anyone heard. The headlines of state-aligned media screech and crow about the nefarious designs of your fellow citizens and the necessity of foreign wars without end, but find few words for a crime against the Constitution.’

The NSA whistleblower was referring to the United States Senate reauthorizing and expanding surveillance under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.“


Amazon-de en amazon-nl weigeren een boek van C.J. Hopkins te verkopen. De (Amerikaanse) schrijver is voor de publicatie aangeklaagd in Duitsland, maar is in eerste instantie vrijgesproken. Maar de rechtszaak tegen hem gaat door. Dit derde deel van zijn Consent Factory Essays heet The Rise of the New Normal Reich. Het is een verzameling van zijn artikelen uit 2020-2021 over de Covid-affaire.
Hierover t.z.t. meer.


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