::fibreculture:: The End of Rupert Murdoch?
Ricken Patel - Avaaz.org
avaaz at avaaz.org
Thu Jul 14 14:17:11 CEST 2011
Dear friends,
For decades Murdoch has ruled with impunity -- making and breaking
governments with his vast media empire. But we're fighting back, and
winning! We played a key role in stopping Murdoch's grab for media
control in the UK. Now we're taking our red-hot UK campaign global, to
roll back the Murdoch menace everywhere with campaigns, investigations
and legal action. Click to donate:
Hacking murdered children's phones, paying off police, destroying
evidence of crimes, threatening politicians -- UK leaders say Rupert
Murdoch's empire has "entered the criminal underworld". For decades,
Murdoch has ruled with impunity -- making and breaking governments
with his vast media holdings and scaring opponents into silence, but
we're fighting back, and winning!
Through almost 1 million actions, 7 campaigns, 30,000 phone calls,
investigations and countless stunts and legal tactics, we've played a
lead role and stopped Murdoch from buying over 50% of UK commercial
media! Now we're taking our red-hot UK campaign global, to roll back
the Murdoch menace everywhere.
Here's the plan: together we can a) hire investigators to expose
Murdoch's corrupt tactics beyond the UK b) organize prominent voices
to break the cycle of fear and speak out on this issue and c) mobilise
people in key countries behind new laws and legal actions that stop
Murdoch and clean up our media for good.
Avaaz members live in every country where Murdoch works, making our
movement the only one that can truly take a campaign against his
global empire and win. The time is now -- If just 20,000 of us donate
a small amount each, we can seize this once-in-a-generation chance.
Click below to chip in:
For weeks, nearly daily revelations have uncovered the extent of
Murdoch media's corruption in the UK. His operatives hacked the phones
of thousands of people, including grieving widows and soldiers who
died in Iraq, stole a Prime Minister's bank information and harassed
him for 10 years, paid huge sums to police officers, and Rupert's son,
James Murdoch, himself authorized hush money to victims.
But this is the tip of the iceberg -- Murdoch is a global problem.
He's famous for dictating editorial positions to his papers. He
corrupts and controls democracies by pushing politicians to back his
extremist ideas on war, torture and a host of other planetary ills,
and destroying the careers of politicians with smear campaigns unless
they do his bidding. In the US, he helped elect George W. Bush and has
most of the Republican presidential candidates actually on his payroll
(see sources below). His Fox News Network spread lies to promote the
war in Iraq, pushed resentment of Muslims and immigrants and spawned
the right-wing tea party. Maybe worst of all, he has helped block
critical global action on climate change.
Murdoch's reign of fear is breaking down, and many are on the edge of
speaking out against his tactics. The dam is about to break in the US,
Australia and elsewhere, but we need to give it an urgent push by
investigating Murdoch further, organising high profile opposition, and
making sure that our politicians pass laws that will clean up our
media for good. Let's make it happen together:
Our community kept campaigning on this issue when almost everyone else
in the UK gave up hope. Because we're people-powered, we don't have
the same fear of Murdoch that almost everyone else does. It's part of
the promise that people power has for change in the world. Today, hope
is breaking out in the UK -- let's take it global.
With determination,
Ricken, Emma, Maria Paz, Giulia, Luis, Alice, Brianna and the rest of
the Avaaz team
Decision on BSkyB takeover could take weeks after surge in online
campaigning (Huffington Post)
BSkyB bid final clearance unlikely to be given before September (The
Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt will take 'several weeks' to review
100,000-plus submissions on News Corp/BSkyB takeover
Murdoch maimed by social media (The Scotsman)
Who is Rupert Murdoch? (Center for American Progess)
The global reach of Murdoch's News Corp (BBC)
Rebekah Brooks must go over Milly 'hacking' - Miliband (BBC)
Latest Updates on British Phone Hacking Scandal (New York Times)
Fox News 2012? Nearly All Potential GOP Presidential Candidates On FNC
Payroll (Huffington Post)
Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and
receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team
ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
Avaaz.org is a 9-million-person global campaign network that works to
ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global
decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.)
Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread
across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages.
Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on
Facebook or Twitter.
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