::fibreculture:: Fwd: UNSW Sydney - 4 year PhD scholarship to work on platform cooperativism
Andrew Murphie
andrew.murphie at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 02:44:39 CEST 2018
Good PhD possibility working on platform cooperativism. Sydney is expensive
but the scholarship is a bit more than usual (around $40,000) and you get
extra research funding ($10,000).
And Bronwen is great. I'll be working with you as well.
all the bet, Andrew
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From: Bronwen Morgan <b.morgan at unsw.edu.au>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 at 19:34
Subject: UNSW Sydney - 4 year PhD scholarship to work on platform
Please forward to all relevant networks and potentially interested
UNSW Sydney is offering a 4 year PhD scholarship for interested applicants
to work on platform cooperativism. ‘Enabling Cooperative Platform
Economies: Tools, Rules and Practices’ is a research agenda that recognises
that contemporary economies are increasingly mediated by and through
internet-based platforms, leading to heated debate over the positive and
negative effects of such platforms. Platform cooperativism is an emergent
response that brings the rules of formal cooperatives to the sharing
economy and the tools of digital platforms to cooperatives. PhD research in
this area will explore whether and how a cooperative platform economy can
build and support collective economic agency, enacting a vision for a more
participatory economy, where digital platforms enable place-based,
collaborative and holistic economic development. It investigates how
governance, ownership and control in the platform economy can be reframed
to support this.
The ideal candidate will have an outstanding academic record at Masters
level in law, humanities or social sciences (either a Masters degree
focusing on research methods, or if a coursework Masters then at least a
2(i) Honours degree at undergraduate level), along with demonstrated
interest or experience in platform economies. The candidate will be able to
work in an interdisciplinary setting, engaging with literature across legal
and social science disciplines including law, political economy, political
ecology, media, human geography or philosophy, and be interested in a mixed
methods approach including interviews, policy, law and data analysis, and
in framing policy recommendations. The Scientia Scholar will have
experience writing literature reviews and excellent written and verbal
communication skills. Previous research experience with research methods,
including data collection and analysis, is desirable.
More details are available at
and interested applicants can also contact Professor Bronwen Morgan at
B.Morgan at unsw.edu.au.
"A traveller, who has lost his way, should not ask, Where am I? What he
really wants to know is, Where are the other places" - Alfred North
"The greatest effort is not concerned with results" - Atīśa (982-1054;
Vajrayana Buddhism, Bengal)
Andrew Murphie - Associate Professor
School of the Arts and Media,
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia, 2052
Editor - The Fibreculture Journal http://fibreculturejournal.org/>
web: http://www.andrewmurphie.org/ <http://dynamicmedianetwork.org/>
tlf:612 93855548 fax:612 93856812
room 311H, Robert Webster Building
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