[Filmfestivalresearch] CfP Pre-Constituted Panel(s) on Film Festivals

Skadi Loist skadi.loist at uni-hamburg.de
Wed Oct 27 19:47:55 CEST 2010

NECS 2011 – London Conference (www.necs-initiative.org), hosted by Birkbeck
and King’s College, University of London


“Sonice Futures: Soundscapes and the Languages of Screen Media”, London, UK,
June 23-26, 2011.


In preparation for the fourth annual NECS conference in London next year we
would like to invite scholars working on film festivals (especially members
of the Film Festival Research Network (FFRN) & Film Festival Research Work
Group) to be part of pre-constituted panel(s) and/or workshop(s).  While the
conference theme for NECS 2011 London focuses on “sonic futures”, this is
not intended to be rigid.  The film festival panel(s) will therefore be open
to papers on all aspects of research relating to film festivals. 


Please contact Skadi Loist (skadi.loist at uni-hamburg.de) before DECEMBER 13,
2010 to register your interest and indicate the possible area of your paper
or a topic you would like to discuss with others in the workshop format.  We
will then work at integrating these interests to form a panel or panels.
Speakers will have max. 20 minutes each. 


For the eventual panel(s), all presenters are asked to provide a title, an
abstract of max. 150 words, 3-5 keywords, 3-5 key bibliographical
references, technical requirements, the name of the presenter and
institutional affiliation.  We therefore ask anyone participating in the
panel(s) to have their completed proposals with Skadi by JANUARY 20, 2011 to
allow time for preparation of the overall panel(s) description(s) and
submission before the general submissions deadline on January 31, 2010.
Notification will follow shortly thereafter (around February 28, 2011).


The conference language is English.  Conference attendance is free, but NECS
membership is required to participate in the conference (register with NECS
at the NECS website, www.necs-initiative.org; for the terms of NECS
membership, please see the website).  Participants will have to cover their
own travel and accommodation expenses.  Detailed information on NECS and the
London conference will be posted on www.necs-initiative.org.


Marijke de Valck (University of Amsterdam)

Skadi Loist (University of Hamburg)



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Skadi Loist, M.A. (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
Universität Hamburg
Institut für Medien und Kommunikation 
Von-Melle-Park 6
20146 Hamburg


Tel.: +49.(0)40.42838.6287
skadi.loist at uni-hamburg.de





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