[Filmfestivalresearch] CfP, Financial disposition

kulturtagung2014 kulturtagung2014 at fh-kufstein.ac.at
Mon Apr 29 21:38:15 CEST 2013

Dear film festival researches,

enclosed, please find the CfP of the 8th congress organized by the "Fachverband Kulturmanagment", a professional association of academic lecturers and researchers in the field of cultural management for the German-speaking countries. The association’s mission is the advancement of cultural management in research and teaching (www.http://www.fachverband-kulturmanagement.org)

The congress takes place from 16th to 18 of January 2014. We focus on" Dispositions of cultural funding", questioning the impact of funding on production and reception of the arts.

As film festivals have developed a special way of funding film production through foundations like the Hubert Bals Fonds and many others, a submisision on the issue would enrich the conference as well as a lot of other approaches.

The call is open until 3rd of June 2013.

Thank you and best wishes,

Verena Teissl

8. Jahrestagung Fachverband Kulturmanagement
16.-18. Jänner 2014
FH Kufstein (Österreich)
Tagungsleitung: Prof. (FH) Dr. Verena Teissl
Tagungsausschuss: Prof Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, Dr. Patrick S. Föhl,
Prof Dr. Steffen Höhne, Dr. Rolf Keller, Prof Dr. Birgit Mandel, Prof Dr. Martin Tröndle

Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol Bildungs GmbH
Andreas Hofer-Straße 7, A-6330 Kufstein
Tel. + 43 5372 71819 197, Fax -104
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