[Filmfestivalresearch] pre-constituted panel "Film Trade(s) and International Film Festivals" + second panel

Marijke de Valck m.devalck at uva.nl
Fri Dec 6 13:36:35 CET 2013

Dear Dorota and others, 

I really like the idea of a panel on "Film Trade(s) and International Film Festivals", and your contributions all sound great. Perhaps Skadi, you and I can divide the two topics you mentioned, because both seem very relevant. I for example, would be happy to do some research on producers, festivals and screening fees, and present this as work in progress.   

If Cindy is able to make it over to Milan, we'd be already with too many people for one panel (see below). My suggestion would be to see if we can adapt the workshop proposal for SCMS (also see below) to a second pre-constituted panel on a (related) topic. In addition to paper proposals by Alex and Maria-Paz, I'd be keen to include someone who is doing (or would like to do) work on the role of Unifrance. Which papers go together best we can decide once all ideas and proposal are collected. 

Best wishes, 

* * *
Panels may consist of 3-4 speakers with a maximum of 20 minutes speaking time each. All presenters are obliged to provide us with a title, an abstract of max 150 words, 3-5 key bibliographical references, name of the presenter and short bio (max. 100 words).
Please submit all proposals before January 31, 2014 through the submission forms that will be accessible from January 1st at:www.necs.org. Notification will follow shortly thereafter (around February 28, 2014). The conference language is English.
Conference attendance is free, but valid NECS-membership and online registration is required to participate in the conference. Participants must register with NECS at www.necs.org and pay their fee before a proposal is submitted.
* * * 
> Workshop Proposal: “Films Festivals and Markets – research approaches and challenges”
> Film markets at festivals have emerged as the principal venues where film professionals from all other the world can meet to do business. Markets must both satisfy the attendees’ demands and mix seamlessly with the rest of the festival, usually more focused on artistic extents. They imply instrumental and ritualised social relationships between exhibitors (national film funds and private companies) and visitors (buyers, festival programmers, single directors and producers) customarily regulated not only during a specific event but also from one to the next.
> The role of film markets at festivals arise a diverse range of questions in relation to contemporary film industries and culture: How did markets historically evolve? How do market exchanges relate to other areas of festivals? What kind of political economies are put in motion in these settings? What kind of relationships are involved between participants? How do they influence film circulation, co-production and professional networking? How can we trace their impact on regional and national cinemas?
> The proposed workshop aims to explore these questions, in order to promote a debate on the theoretical and methodological approaches and challenges that these markets entail for film festival studies. To achieve this, the workshop will be structured in a highly participative format. The presenters will share their research experiences and professional expertise to address some specific issues that they have encountered in main film festival markets, suggesting matters that will open the discussion with the rest of the participants, in order to provoke a stimulating and productive debate.

> Chair Presenters 
> Enrico Vannucci is a PhD student at Oxford Brookes University. 
> Maria-Paz Peirano is a Social Anthropologist from Universidad de Chile and a PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at University of Kent. 
> Dorota Ostrowska is a lecturer in film and modern media at Birkbeck, University of London. 
> Dr Alex Fischer specializes in analysing film festival operation. Currently Dr Fischer is in post production of his first feature film in which New Media technologies are hypothesized about and ultimately tested.
> Marijke de Valck is Associate Professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam

Marijke de Valck, Ph.D., Associate Professsor and
Programme Director MA Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image
University of Amsterdam, Department of Media Studies
Turfdraagsterpad 9, room 1.15A
1012 XT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 525 3994
Fax: +31 20 525 4559
Mail: m.devalck at uva.nl 
www.filmfestivalresearch.org /

On 5 dec. 2013, at 14:28, Cindy Wong <Cindy.Wong at csi.cuny.edu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am not sure that I can go to Milan this summer from Atlantic West, but all the discussions and panels sound too tempting.
> I am working on a new project on the Asian co-production markets at various Asian festivals which would fit well with the panel on film trade Dorota has proposed.
> I will apply for funds from my university and I do think (but am not sure) that I can probably get some assistance there.
> So count me in if you think that this fits.
> Cindy Hing-Yuk Wong
> Professor
> Department of Media Culture
> College of Staten Island/CUNY
> 2800 Victory Blvd.
> Staten Island, NY, 10314
> 718-982-2615
> 718-982-2710 (FAX)
> ________________________________________
> From: Filmfestivalresearch [filmfestivalresearch-bounces at listcultures.org] on behalf of Enrico Vannucci [10132687 at brookes.ac.uk]
> Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 6:06 AM
> To: Skadi Loist
> Cc: filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org
> Subject: Re: [Filmfestivalresearch] NECS 2014 cfp,      pre-constituted panel "Film Trade(s) and International Film     Festivals"
> Hi Dorota, Skadi and all,
> Your idea of a panel on Trades and Festivals is interesting. I think it connects to the Workshop on Film Festivals and Markets that SCMS rejected and that we've thought to propose again to NECS, as you know.
> Having a panel and a workshop on the same issues but with different approaches could be really compelling. What do you think?
> I could also be interested in joining the panel too. My original idea for NECS focused on finding which are the festivals that professionals in the short film festival ecosystem (producers, directors, programmers, etc...) use as principal hubs in order to distribute and promote their films more successfully. I could reframe this idea narrowing my research only on trades.
> Otherwise - since I still can use it for another conference - I am interested in writing something on the Clermont-Ferrand Market as the main hub for trades in the short film festival ecosystem, since this issue is also an important part of my PhD research.
> Please, let me know.
> Cheers.
> E.
> Enrico Vannucci
> Research Student
> Oxford Brookes University
> email: enrico.vannucci-2011 at brookes.ac.uk
> phone: +39 328 28 43 112
> skype: hypervan
> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hypervan
> research blog: http://shortfilmfestivalsresearch.tumblr.com
> Il giorno 05/dic/2013, alle ore 10:59, Skadi Loist <skadi at filmfestivalresearch.org> ha scritto:
>> Hi Dorota & everyone:
>> I would like to join a panel focusing on trade issues.  I am not sure yet
>> which exact angle I will focus on - either the economic angle of film
>> circulation through the festival circuit (screening fees as income in terms
>> of distribution) or the development of various service platforms (Cinando,
>> Festival Scope, FilmFestivalLife), facilitating trade on the festival
>> circuit.  Let me know if that might fit.
>> Cheers
>> Skadi
>> --
>> Skadi Loist
>> Co-Founder / Admin
>> Film Festival Research Network (FFRN)
>> www.filmfestivalresearch.org
>> skadi at filmfestivalresearch.org
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Filmfestivalresearch
>> [mailto:filmfestivalresearch-bounces at listcultures.org] Im Auftrag von DOROTA
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013 10:45
>> An: dorota.ostrowska at btinternet.com
>> Cc: <filmfestivalresearch at listcultures.org>
>> Betreff: Re: [Filmfestivalresearch] NECS 2014 cfp, pre-constituted panel
>> "Film Trade(s) and International Film Festivals"
>> Hello,
>> Would anyone be interested in contributing to the following panel I am
>> trying to put together for NECS 2014?
>> CFP: Film Trade(s) and International Film Festivals
>> I am interested in the role that different professional organisations, both
>> national (i.e. trade unions) and international (i.e. FIAPF, FIPRESCI),
>> played in relation to international film festivals. For my own paper I will
>> be focussing on the British Film Producers Association and how it shaped the
>> international film festival circuit until 1970s when its key objective was
>> to maximize the commercial success of British films internationally.
>> Best wishes,
>> Dorota Ostrowska
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