[Filmfestivalresearch] Suggestions for Textbooks for Film Festival Culture --Sundance

Hall, Dawn dawn.hall at wku.edu
Tue May 7 19:26:14 CEST 2013

Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have a suggestion for a textbook that covers history, culture, and "process" of film festivals, specifically the Sundance Film Festival ,if possible?  We are looking at Michael Newman's Indie: An American Film Culture, but haven't really found anything else. 

This is for undergraduates at a regional/rural university in Kentucky. We are taking a class to attend Sundance this January and are reviewing texts currently. We are actively recruiting students if any of yours would like to take the opportunity! Just let me know and I'll send you information.  http://www.wku.edu/studyaway/programs/filmwinter2014.php

Thanks so much,
Dawn Hall
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green KY

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