[Filmfestivalresearch] [aff] U.S. in Progress-Winning Project Post-Produced in Chimney, Poland

American Film Festival PR pr at americanfilmfestival.pl
Thu Aug 6 14:29:43 CEST 2015

U.S. in Progress-Winning Project Post-Produced in Chimney, Poland

Fidel R. Ruiz-Healy - the co-director/producer of THE HOMEFRONT, winner of the 2014 US in Progress Wrocław - worked in Warsaw on post-production.
In October 2014, during the American Film Festival's US in Progress program, THE HOMEFRONT was awarded free color-correction services from one of the leading post-production houses - international group Chimney.
THE HOMEFRONT (co-directed/produced by Tyler Walker) is a stylish dark-comedy, a parody of an American nuclear family forced under occupation in a dystopian world.
With support from Film Commission Poland, Fidel worked in Chimney's Warsaw studio with world-recognized colorist Wiktor Sasim.
This is how Fidel described his experience:
"After working with Chimney-Poland, it's going to be hard to work with anyone else. Wiktor and the Chimney staff took The Homefront and made it part of their family. From day one, they were committed to creating a unique and appropriate look that captured the tone of our film. Using Nucoda, Wiktor would meticulously make sure that not a single color value was out of place, re-watching the film to ensure that our look worked, not only consistently through each scene, but thematically through the narrative arch of the film. I arrived with a film shot in difficult circumstances that was rough around the edges. I came home with a film as bleak and sardonic as the script. I expected professional technicians, but also found friends and collaborators that I expect to work with again in the near future. Ula Sniegowska of the American FF and Wojtek Kabarowski of The Chimney, believed in our offbeat film and, through U.S in Progress, created an opportunity for us as independent American Filmmakers that would seem like a pipe dream in the U.S. I would encourage anyone with a film ready for post to submit for consideration."
Application to U.S. in Progress Wrocław is open till August 31st. American producers are welcome to send 30 minutes of their rough-cut through www.usinprogress.pl or usinprogress.com with no submission fee.
U.S. in Progress is organized in the frame of the American Film Festival and offers:
*exposure to top European buyers
*awards of post-production services from top Polish post companies
*networking in a safe and professional environment.
For terms and conditions see: www.usinprogress.com


American Film Festival aff at snh.org.pl www.americanfilmfestival.pl © Stowarzyszenie Nowe Horyzonty 
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