[Filmfestivalresearch] Alternative Film/Video Belgrade, 4th Research Forum (Call for submissions)
Greg DeCuir
gdecuir at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 7 15:35:28 CEST 2015
Alternative Film/Video Belgrade
8-12 December 2015
4th Research Forum (Call for submissions)
The 2012 and 2013 research forums at AlternativeFilm/Video Belgrade resulted in the publication of the volume On Fragmentation (2014), edited by forumcurator Greg de Cuir, Jr, which anthologized essays based on the variouspresentations delivered. This volume included work by Dirk de Bruyn, Miriam DeRosa, Bruce Posner, and others. After the 3rd Alternative Film/VideoResearch Forum in 2014, focused on video art and including such participants asXavier García Bardón and Katrin Mundt, we are now organizing the 4thResearch Forum. This one-day event (on 10 December) running concurrently withthe festival will gather a group of curators, critics, artists, and researchersfor an intimate encounter where presentations will be delivered and discussionsheld concerning alternative works of film, video, and new media art.
It remains relevant to discuss video as an artisticmedium in this young 21st century, though maybe not in terms of‘video art’ and what this descriptive signified in the previous century.Digital video has been the lingua francaof moving images for many years now. In some cases we can speak of it as aconstituent of new media art, but it is also possible that we are already atthe dawn of another significant medium shift. Artists have long been using CGIin realizing their visions, and more recently they have been creating net artthat exists online. However, critical studies still need to properly accountfor the use of webcams, mobile media, GIFs, and virtual reality in contemporaryartistic practices. What are the museums and festivals of the future that willcollect and exhibit the moving image art to come? What new strategies docurators need to employ to situate and present challenging works with discretemethods and tools? How do we negotiate a nonlinear art world shaped byrapidly-changing technologies? Whether new media, digital, postmedia, or otherappellations that aspire to embrace current moments and objects, we want toinvestigate the contemporary practices in art and culture that lead the way tofuture modes of visual expression.
In 2015 the Alternative Film/Video Research Forum willlook to explore and contextualize the emergence and development of new mediaart. However, we will not limit ourselves to the contemporary. We will also beinterested in projecting the possibilities of future art practices through bothcritical deduction and creative contemplation. As such, we invite contributionson artists, aesthetics, technology, exhibitions, conservation, curation, andother subjects relevant to understanding experiments in 21st centurymoving images.
We are accepting abstracts of 300 words along with shortbiographies of 150 words for consideration. Selected participants will be givensupport toward their accommodation in Belgrade but are asked to cover travelexpenses on their own. Please forward inquiries and submissions to Greg deCuir, Jr, selector/curator for Alternative Film/Video Belgrade, no later than 1September 2015 at gdecuir at yahoo.com.
AlternativeFilm/Video Belgrade (Serbia) is a legendary international festival in theBalkans for new film and video expression and one of the oldest manifestationsof its kind in Europe. It was founded in 1982 by festival director MiodragMilošević as an antidote to commercial film and video-making and to supportunconventional practices while celebrating moving image cultures. AlternativeFilm/Video Belgrade is organized by and hosted at Academic Film Center inBelgrade, which was established in 1958 as a ciné-club and where many iconicfilmmakers worked, including Tomislav Gotovac, Živojin Pavlović, RadoslavVladić, and others. Visit the website at www.alternativefilmvideo.org/.
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