[Filmfestivalresearch] Busan Int'l Film Festival :TBC

Melanie Le Forestier melanie.leforestier at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 14:00:43 CET 2015

Dear Professor Iordanova,

I don’t know if it’s directly related to the protest and the pictures on
Jiseok Kim’s Facebook profile, but from what I recently heard and read,
Busan City has filed a complaint against one of the co-directors of BIFF,
Lee Yong-kwan, for ‘alleged mismanagement of sponsorship fees’.

The mayor of Busan had also previously requested the documentary “The Truth
Shall Not Sink With Sewol” to not been screened at the festival. In
response, the festival organizers said the charges against Lee Yong-kwan
were an ‘act of retaliation’ after the organizers pushed ahead with the
screening of the documentary...

Please find below two recent articles about this:

I will ask some of my Korean friends, who are also journalists, about this
protest, and will let you know if I learn anything new. I am also
interested to know more precisely what is going on!

Greetings from France,

Melanie Le Forestier
Ph.D Candidate in Information and Communication Sciences,
LERASS (Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherches Appliquées en Sciences
Université de Toulouse, France

2015-12-29 13:02 GMT+01:00 Dina Iordanova <dina.iordanova at st-andrews.ac.uk>:

> Dear all,
> The crisis that has been brewing with BIFF for a while (and which I had
> hoped to be over) seems to have picked up now and descended to new lows.
> I am not able to say precisely what are the events, but for two days now I
> see on Facebook postings by Jiseok Kim that display scenes of protest and
> feature photos of a variety of Asian directors who display signs in
> support of BIFF and ask for the festival to be 'saved'. Apparently things
> have gone worse, not better. The other person who has posted very
> persuasively is Gothenburg festival's Freddy Olsson, whose posts again can
> be seen on his timeline at Facebook.
> I wonder if there is some subscriber to this list server who can explain
> what precisely is going on?
> And also if there is some sort of community behind this forum, would we
> like to say something?
> Greetings from Istanbul, where the somber feeling on matters regarding
> festivals is pretty much the same like in South Korea, as far as I can
> tell.
> Dina
> Dina Iordanova FRSA
> Professor of Global Cinema and Creative Cultures
> Director, Institute for Global Cinema and Creative Cultures (IGCCC)
> http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/globalcinema
> https://www.facebook.com/staigccc
> Publisher, St Andrews Film Studies
> University of St Andrews, Scotland
> --
> >
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