[Filmfestivalresearch] Re/Joining Film and Media Festivals Scholarly Interest Group (SCMS)
ger zielinski, ph.d.
ger.zielinski at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 21:20:36 CET 2017
Dear Festival Researchers,
For those of you attending this year’s SCMS conference in Chicago, the
official webpage for the Film and Media Festivals Scholarly Interest Group
is http://www.cmstudies.org/?page=groups_filmfestivals (click link at
bottom of page to join the group).
Every five years SCMS asks that members rejoin individually their various
scholarly interest groups associated with the society. There is no cost to
join or rejoin any SIG. If your research takes account of film festivals in
any way, then the Film and Media Festivals SIG is one for you.
Furthermore, the Facebook version of the group is SCMS Film and Media
Festivals Scholarly Interest Group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/477426232323503/ and is open to anyone with
an interest in researching film festivals (no SCMS membership required).
Circulate to other researchers in the area, as you wish!
Ger Zielinski
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