[Filmfestivalresearch] Rv: New book out now: Film Festivals and Anthropology

Aida Vallejo aida_vallejo at yahoo.es
Fri Feb 17 18:26:04 CET 2017

New book out now: Film Festivals and Anthropology

​We're happy to annunce that Cambridge SP has just published the book Film Festivals and Anthropology, edited by Aida Vallejo and María Paz Peirano.
You can get a 20% discount entering the code festivals20 in the online order.
You can order the book and download the introduction for free here:
This collection explores the intersections between anthropology and film festival studies. Film and anthropology scholars map ethnographic film festivals and ethnographic approaches to festivals worldwide. The book provides a historical reconstruction of most of the main festivals exhibiting ethnographic film, considering the parallel evolution of programming and organisational practices across the globe. It also addresses the great value and challenges of ethnographic research tools for studying the wide-ranging field of film festivals.This volume is the first to collect long-term experiences of curating and exhibiting ethnographic film, as well as new approaches to the understanding of film festival practices. Its contributions reflect on curatorial practices within visual anthropology and their implications for ethnographic filmmaking, and they shed light on problems of cultural translation, funding, festival audiences and the institutionalisation of ethnographic cinema.The book offers a novel perspective on film festivals as showcases for cinema, socio-cultural hubs and distribution nodes. Aimed at anthropologists, media scholars, festival organisers and documentary film professionals, it offers a starting point for the study of ethnographic film exhibition within its cultural and social contexts.

Preface ...................................................................................................... xiii
Screening Anthropology across the Planet
Faye Ginsburg

Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
Film Festivals and Anthropology
María Paz Peirano and Aida Vallejo


Part I. Introduction ..................................................................................... 21
Mapping Ethnographic Film Festivals: a World Overview
María Paz Peirano

I.I. Curating Anthropology     

Chapter 1 ................................................................................................... 39
Festivals, Conferences, Seminars and Networks
in Visual Anthropology in Europe
Colette Piault

Chapter 2 ................................................................................................... 73
Ethnographic and Indigenous Film Festivals in Latin America:
Constructing Networks of Film Circulation
María Paz Peirano

Chapter 3 ................................................................................................... 89
Visual Anthropology in the USSR and Post-Soviet Russia:
a History of Festival Practices
Victoria Vasileva (Chistyakova) and Ekaterina Trushkina

Chapter 4 ................................................................................................. 111
The Artful Narrative of Anthropological Festivals: View from the Baltics
Carlo A. Cubero

I.II. Case Studies     

Chapter 5 ................................................................................................. 127
Between Familiar and Unfamiliar. Ethnographic Films
in the Festival dei Popoli
Vittorio Iervese

Chapter 6 ................................................................................................. 143
Temple University’s Conferences on Visual Anthropology.
A First Person, Clearly Biased Report on an Experiment
Jay Ruby

Chapter 7 ................................................................................................. 165
Margaret Mead Film Festival: Four Decades of World Picture(s)
Neta Alexander

Chapter 8 ................................................................................................. 179
The Nordic Eye Revisited. NAFA, 1975 to 2015
Peter I. Crawford

Chapter 9 ................................................................................................. 193
Les Regards Comparés and Le Bilan du Film Ethnographique:
Jean Rouch’s initiatives
Nadine Wanono

Chapter 10 ............................................................................................... 207
The Film Festival of the Royal Anthropological Institute:
A Personal Memoir on its Thirtieth Anniversary
Paul Henley

Chapter 11 ............................................................................................... 223
25 Years of Beeld voor Beeld Festival and Visual Anthropology
in the Netherlands
Eddy Appels

Chapter 12 ............................................................................................... 235
Organisational Challenges when Programming an
Ethnographic Film Festival: Lessons from Göttingen
Beate Engelbrecht


Part II. Introduction ................................................................................. 251
Ethnographies of Film Festivals: Reflections on Methodology
Aida Vallejo

Chapter 13 ............................................................................................... 261
Insider/outsider Positions at Glasgow Film Festival: Challenges,
Issues and Opportunities in Industry-Partnered Ethnographic Research
Lesley-Ann Dickson

Chapter 14 ............................................................................................... 277
Travelling the Circuit: A Multi-sited Ethnography of
Documentary Film Festivals in Europe
Aida Vallejo

Chapter 15 ............................................................................................... 293
A Community at the Margins: An Ethnography of
Chinese Independent Film Festivals
Flora Lichaa

Chapter 16 ............................................................................................... 305
Programmer as Festival Spokesperson: Information Management
Strategies at the Toronto International Film Festival
SED Mitchell

Contributors ............................................................................................. 323
Index of Festivals .................................................................................... 329
Index of Films.......................................................................................... 335
Index of Names........................................................................................ 341
Index of Subjects ..................................................................................... 347

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University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
NECS documentary workgroup coordinator 
Research project: ikerFESTS. Film and Audiovisual Festivals in the Basque Country
Book Film Festivals and Anthropology (co-editor, with María Paz Peirano)

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