[Filmfestivalresearch] Rv: CFP Small Cinemas Conference (Bilbao/San Sebastián, 20-22 Sept 2017)
Aida Vallejo
aida_vallejo at yahoo.es
Wed Jan 25 19:05:05 CET 2017
The CFP of the 8th Annual International Conference on Small Cinemas:
"Diversity in Glocal Cinemas: Language, Culture, Identity"
to be held in Bilbao/San Sebastián (Basque Country, Spain) on September 20-22, 2017 is now open
(we will organize parallel activities with San Sebastián International Film Festival, which will take place right after the conference: 22-30 September, 2017).
The organizers are also planning to release a post-conference publication. You can find all the information in our website (and the CFP below):
http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/smallcinemasconference2017/Deadline: April 30, 2017.
Diversity in Glocal Cinemas: Language, Culture, Identity
The 8th Annual International Conference on Small Cinemas
Bilbao and San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain
September 20-22, 2017
Aimed at academics, policymakers and media industry professionals, the 2017 conference will revolve around the phenomenon of glocal cinemas, understood as those cinemas conceived locally and in the local language, but aimed at a global audience.In the last decades, film theory has embraced concepts such as “globalisation”, “transnational”, “post-national”, “diasporic” and “trans-regional”, and the long-established focus on North American and European cinemas has given way to analyses of lesser-known practices or creative expressions. Two forces operate today in the shifting landscape of world cinemas: globalisation and a reaction to this globalisation via the local and the ethnic. Communities that seek to tell stories from their cultural point of view and in their own language face extraordinary challenges in a market still dominated by Hollywood and other major industries. The organizers of this conference believe that it is through glocal cinemas that the world’s cultural and linguistic diversity can be affirmed, celebrated and/or critically examined.We invite papers and panels on, but not limited to, the following topics:Theorizing glocal cinemas:
- From local to global.
- Small cinemas and new directions in film studies.
- Transnational and diasporic cinemas.
Glocal cinemas and the film industry:
- Reaching audiences.
- Funding and distribution challenges.
- The role of public policies.
- The importance of film festivals for glocal cinemas
- The impact of new technologies
- Production, distribution and exhibition alternatives for small cinemas
Linguistic diversity:
- Linguistic accessibility for glocal cinemas
- Multilingual films
Representation of diversity in glocal cinema:
- Ethnic minorities
- Gender representation
- Sexual orientation
- Age, class and disability
The other small cinemas
- Experimental cinemas
- Invisible cinemas
Deadline: April 30, 2017.Response: May 30, 2017.Proposals can be sent to: smallcinemas2017 at gmail.com
and should include the following information:Individual papers:
- Title of the paper
- Presenter’s name and affiliation
- Abstract of 250-300 words
- Short biography of the presenter (100-150 words)
- 5 bibliographic references
Pre-constituted panels:We support the submission of proposals for pre-constituted panels with 3 or 4 papers (or 3 papers + a respondent) in order to strengthen the thematic coherence of panels.Panel organizers are asked to submit a panel proposals that include:
- A panel title
- A short description of the panel (abstract)
- Information on all of the individual papers of the panel:
- Title of the paper
- Presenter’s name and affiliation
- Abstract of 250-300 words
- Short biography of the presenter (100-150 words)
- 5 bibliographic references
Language: proposals can be sent and/or presented in any of the official languages of the conference:English, Spanish and Basque (simultaneous translation will be available during the conference).
The organizers are also planning to release the post-conference publication.[More information will be posted in Spring 2017].
For presenters:Includes conference attendance and materials, coffee and lunch (September 20 and 21).
Early bird (till the end of June): 65€.
Normal fee: 80€Optional fees: Opening dinner and visit to San Sebastian (includes transportation):
[Information about the prices will be available before the registration deadline].For students and unemployed:Includes conference attendance and materials, coffee and lunch (September 20 and 21).Early bird (till the end of June): 10€.
Normal fee: 15€Information about registration here: http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/smallcinemasconference2017/conference/registration-conference-fee/
Aida Vallejo VallejoUniversity of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
NECS documentary workgroup coordinator: https://necs.org/members/workgroup/678
--- “Of calendars and industries: IDFA and CPH:DOX”, Necsus. European Journal of Media Studies, 9, Spring 2016. Read here--- “Industry Sections. Documentary Film Festivals between Production and Distribution” (2014), in Iluminace. Read here.
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--- “Festivales cinematográficos. En el punto de mira de la historiografía fílmica” (“Film Festivals. In the Focus of Film Historiography”, in Spanish), pp.13-42. Read here/leer aquí. Special issue on film festivals (in Spanish). Número monográfico sobre festivales cinematográficos. Editado por Aida Vallejo. Secuencias. Revista de Historia del cine , Nº 39, primer semestre, 2014.
--- González-Abrisketa, Olatz y Vallejo Vallejo, Aida (2014) “Circuitos de distribución y espacios para la difusión del cine etnográfico contemporáneo: una guía práctica”, en Anales del Museo de Antropología. Pdf gratuito aquí.
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