[Filmfestivalresearch] [nh] New Horizons IFF partners with Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad

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Fri Dec 11 13:21:15 CET 2020

New Horizons IFF partners with Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad   
  We are happy to announce that for 2021, Pop Up Residency  partners with New Horizons International Film Festival , Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival and prepared a special program for the film projects and their filmmakers from Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 
  The Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad creates a space for the residents to profit from a 3-week long scriptwriting residency in Bratislava where each project gets its own international mentor. 
  At the same time the residents will work with fellow filmmakers from the Visegrad Countries. 
  The participating projects from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland are selected in cooperation with our partners from national projects presented at Budapest Debut Film Forum 2020, New Horizons Studio+ 2020, and the Emerging Producers 2014-2019. 
  The residencies will take place in Bratislava from 10 – 31 March 2021.  
  The Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad is supported by the Visegrad Fund.

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