[Filmfestivalresearch] CFP Small Cinemas Conference - Santiago de compostela, Spain Oct, 20-21, 2021. Deadline: April 30

Aida Vallejo aida_vallejo at yahoo.es
Tue Apr 20 09:57:23 CEST 2021

Dear all, 

This year the Smalll Cinemas Conference, that will take place in October 20-21, 2021, in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, North-West Spain), will focus on the circulation of small cinemas, so I highly encourage film festival scholars to submit your proposals before April 30 (2021).
>From Celluloid to Streaming: Conservation and Circulation of Small Cinemas
12th edition of the Small Cinemas Conference
Santiago de Compostela October 28-29, 2021

Key dates:
Submission deadline: Please submit a 300-word proposal by April 30, 2021
Conference Committee Response: June 30, 2021
Upon acceptance of proposals, a short abstract and bio are due: July 15, 2021
Please submit your proposal through the form at the bottom of this site: http://smallcinemas2021.org/cfp.
Contact: info at estudosaudiovisuais.org

Mode of participation: Blended model (On site + Streaming)

Conference fee: 50€ general  / 25€ students, unemployed


Aida Vallejo Vallejo
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHUBooks: Documentary Film Festivals Vol.1 and Vol.2 (with Ezra Winton).Film Festivals and Anthropology (with María Paz Peirano)
NECS documentary workgroup coordinator 
Research project: ikerFESTS. Film and Audiovisual Festivals in the Basque Country

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