[Filmfestivalresearch] Collaborator Sought for development of an AHRC Film Festivals Impact Research Project

Roy Hanney roy.hanney at solent.ac.uk
Sun Jun 13 20:48:20 CEST 2021

Collaborator Sought for development of an AHRC Film Festivals Impact Research Project

I am developing a funding application to the AHRC Early Career Researcher scheme. In order to be eligible I need to identify a partner from a different HEI from Solent University where I am employed.

Initially the project set out to ask questions about the impact of film festivals on the economic, social and cultural life of a city and Portsmouth, on the south coast of the UK in particular. The intention was to undertake ‘Social Return on Investment’ taking as its case study a 48 Hour Film Challenge that has been running in the city for 16 years. Alongside the case study the aim was to do a social network analysis in the central south and Solent region of the UK in order to understand how the 48 Hour Film Challenge functions as a ‘field configuring event’.

The project has recently developed an additional strand and we have the opportunity to collaborate with an international recognised and well-established short film festival as a second case study. In addition, there may be further opportunities to collaborate with other film festivals in the central south region as part of the project.

The project would suit someone who fulfils the AHRC definition of an early career researcher with an interest in film festivals impact, and in particular the impact on development of regional creative industries. You don’t need to live or work on the central south region of the UK, but it might help and you do need to be employed at UK HEI.

Please get in touch if you would like to arrange for an informal opportunity to discuss any of the above.

Dr Roy Hanney
roy.hanney at solen.ac.uk<mailto:roy.hanney at solen.ac.uk>
07894 899 044

Dr. Roy Hanney

Course Leader, Media Production

07894 899 044

Southampton Solent University
Room JM506, E Park Terrace,
Southampton, Hampshire,
SO14 0YN

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